Natural and Mathematical Sciences

From the Natural & Mathematical Sciences lecture, I was mostly interested in the Actuarial Sciences major. I took Calculus I in high school and I really enjoyed it, while being fairly good at it. Math was always my strength throughout high school, so I thought this might be a good major for me. It was kind of intimidating though, because it’s a very competitive major, and you have to take very high level math and statistic courses. I don’t know if I’m confident enough in my ability to, especailly because I heard that Calc II is rather difficult. The lecture did a really good job about covering any questions I had, and they even shared interesting facts about the major, including the fact that the math programs have their own study room that’s only open to math majors. I thought that was pretty cool. Overall, I’m considering the major, but I’d have to take Calc II next semester in order to be on track, and I’m just intimidated. But I am excited that I found a major I might enjoy!

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