Natural and Mathematical Sciences

From the Natural & Mathematical Sciences lecture, I was mostly interested in the Actuarial Sciences major. I took Calculus I in high school and I really enjoyed it, while being fairly good at it. Math was always my strength throughout high school, so I thought this might be a good major for me. It was kind of intimidating though, because it’s a very competitive major, and you have to take very high level math and statistic courses. I don’t know if I’m confident enough in my ability to, especailly because I heard that Calc II is rather difficult. The lecture did a really good job about covering any questions I had, and they even shared interesting facts about the major, including the fact that the math programs have their own study room that’s only open to math majors. I thought that was pretty cool. Overall, I’m considering the major, but I’d have to take Calc II next semester in order to be on track, and I’m just intimidated. But I am excited that I found a major I might enjoy!

Engineering and Architecture

Going to this lecture, I was originally only interested in learning about the different engineering majors. However, attending the lecture sparked an interest in the architecture major. It was awesome to learn about because architecture incorporates two things I’m interested in:art and math. I’d never considered this major before, but it seems pretty fun. On the other hand, I didn’t feel like that any of the engineering majors caught my attention. They’re very math and science heavy, w hichI thought I’d be interested in. But I didn’t feel like I learned enough about the majors I was interested in, which was probably because it was hard to go too in depth with all fourteen majors offered in the college. I wish I would have learned in more detail about the majors, specifically about mechanical and chemical engineering. The most interesting thing I learned about the engineering was about their study abroad opportunities. I think it’s really incredible that the students solve the problems in society and get to travel in order to help people. The lecture helped my open up to new possibilities, and I enjoyed it a lot!