The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences



Ph.D.  Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University (in progress)

M.S.    Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University 2022

B.A.    Chemistry, Berea College 2020

Professional Appointments

Graduate Research Associate (GRA)
Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
* Research, data analysis, manuscript writing

Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA)
School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University
Fall 2021, 2022
* ES 1121H – Honors Dynamic Earth (Head TA)
* ES 1100/1200 – Intro to Earth Sciences Lab
* ES 5206 – Advanced Oceanography (Grader)

Education and Outreach Associate
Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
Jan. 2022 – Aug. 2022
* Tours, community outreach, CROADS simulations, talks at local high schools, Camp Oty’okwa, Polar Literacy Project, miscellaneous outreach

University Fellowship
The Ohio State University
Aug. 2020 – Aug. 2021

Natural History Research Experience Intern
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
May 2019 – Aug. 2019
* Project title: “Using titanite to determine magmatic thermal histories of granites”
* Sample collection in Colorado, laboratory analysis at NMNH using micro-CT, SEM-EDS, and EMPA techniques

Student Supervisor and Building Monitor
Berea College Art & Art History Department, Doris Ulmann Galleries
Jan. 2017 – May 2020
* Scheduling, inventory, building inspections, work requests, minor repair work and maintenance, labor reviews and meetings, 12-passenger van driving

Honors and Awards

2024    Michael Johnson Graduate Student Award – Outstanding PhD candidate starting research

2023    School of Earth Sciences Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching

2023    School of Earth Sciences Graduate Service Award

2022    School of Earth Sciences Award for Distinguished Services

2021    Friends of Orton Hall Research Grant for Electron Microscopy ($4,060)

2020    University Fellowship, The Ohio State University

2020    Berea College Class of 1958 Research Excellence Award

2019    Natural History Research Experience (NHRE), Smithsonian Institution

2019    KBRIN Summer Research at the University of Louisville (accepted NHRE offer instead)

2019    3rd Place Men’s Javelin, NCAA Division III USA South Conference Championship

2019    1st Place Poster Presentation in Geology, Kentucky Academy of Science Annual Meeting

2019    Outstanding Employee Honor, Berea College Labor Department

2017    Berea College Art Department Student Worker of the Year

2016    Berea College No Tuition-Promise Scholarship ($120,000)

2015    Cincinnati Mercantile Library Timothy Crane Day Award


[1] Weber, A., Thompson, L,. Davis, M., Mosley-Thompson, E., Beaudon, E., Kenny, D., Lin, P-.N., & Sierra-Hernández, R. (2023). Drivers of δ18O variability preserved in ice cores from Earth’s highest tropical mountain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(19).

Press Releases

2023    Woodall, T. (Editors: Weber, A. & Thompson, L.) “Ice cores from Earth’s highest tropical peak provide insight into climate variability”. Ohio State News.

Conferences and Symposiums

[7] Weber, A. (2024-08-21). “Algorithms for mineral dust classification using SEM-EDS” (poster). Goldschmidt Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA.

[6] Weber, A. (2023). “Ice core dust as a proxy of Peruvian forest loss” (poster). 5th Annual Byrd Center Symposium on Climate Change Research at Ohio State. Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, Columbus, OH.

[5] Weber, A., Thompson, L., Davis, M., et al. (2023). “Drivers of δ18O variability preserved in ice cores from Earth’s highest tropical mountain” (poster and flash talk). Interdisciplinary Water Research Symposium. Scott Hall, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

[4] Weber, A. (2022). “The budding influence of temperature in the Huascarán ice core stable isotope record” (poster), 4th Annual Byrd Center Symposium on Climate Change Research at Ohio State. Columbus, OH.

[3] Weber, A. & Thompson, L. (2021). “Microparticle analysis of a tropical ice core as a potential tool for assessing changes in Amazonian forest cover through time” (poster), Graduate Climate Conference, hosted by the University of Washington and MIT. Virtual Meeting.

[2] Weber, A. & Thompson, L. (2021). “Microparticle analysis of a tropical ice core as a potential tool for assessing changes in Amazonian forest cover through time” (poster), 3rd Annual Byrd Center Symposium on Climate Change Research at Ohio State. Columbus, OH.

[1] Weber, A. & Ackerson, M. (2019). “Using titanite to determine magmatic thermal histories of granites” (poster), Kentucky Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Berea, KY.

Theses and Dissertations

[1] Weber, A. (2022). Amazonian influences on the hydrological and mineralogical signals preserved in an ice core from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. [M.S. Thesis] The Ohio State University.

Outreach Activities

^ Indicates invited talk

07-Dec-2023^    “The Incredible and Tragic Story of H.M.S. Erebus and H.M.S. Terror“. A polar exploration-themed talk presented at Licking County Library as part of the Empowered Minds Series. Newark, Ohio. (2 hr)

19-Jul-2023    Guest speaker on geological and ice core research. Demonstrated how field equipment is used and how samples are collected; led Q&A for 40 students (ages 10-17) at Camp Oty’okwa, South Bloomingville, OH. (2 hr)

21-Jun-2023    Guest speaker on geological and ice core research. Demonstrated how field equipment is used and how samples are collected; led Q&A for 60 middle school-age students at Camp Oty’okwa, South Bloomingville, OH. (2 hr)

01-Apr-2023    Volunteer to be a Dino for a Day, 47th Annual Central Ohio Mineral, Fossil, Gem & Jewelry Show. Columbus, OH. (2 hr)

18-Nov-2022^ “Contemporary hydroclimate signals in the Huascaran ice cores.” Presented to visitors from the University of Kentucky Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Columbus, OH.

2022 cal. yr.    Led or helped facilitate 27 tours and events at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center for 1,020 patrons (1,482 “people hours”; i.e., the length of the event multiplied by the number of people in attendance).

01-Aug-2022    Outreach Booth at the Ohio State Fair (2 days). Columbus, OH.

14-Jul-2022    Ice core and meteorology activity with Franklin Park Conservatory at South High School. Columbus, OH.

21-Jun-2022    Polar Literacy Program (3 days) at St. Charles Preparatory School. Columbus, OH.

18-May-2022    CROADS Climate Policy Simulation. Facilitated at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. Columbus, OH.

04-May-2022    CROADS Climate Policy Simulation. Facilitated at Dublin Coffman High School. Columbus, OH.

29-Apr-2022^  “The Science of Climate Change.” Presented at Westland High School, AP Environmental Science. Galloway, OH.

29-Mar-2022    CROADS Climate Policy Simulation. Facilitated at University Hall, The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.

24-Mar-2022    CROADS Climate Policy Simulation. Facilitated at University Hall, The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.

22-Mar-2022    CROADS Climate Policy Simulation. Facilitated at University Hall, The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.

15-Mar-2022    Arctic Mystery Program (4 days) at Camp Oty’Okwa. South Bloomingville, OH.

04-Mar-2022^ “Climate Change and Its Impacts.” Presented at Thomas Worthington High School, Speaking in Political Radicalism. Worthington, OH.

03-Dec-2021    CROADS Climate Policy Simulation. Facilitated at Derby Hall, The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.

Field Work

2023  Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru (5676 masl). Objectives included (i) the collection of recently exposed plant material along the margins of the ice cap for carbon dating, (ii) drilling firn cores from the Quelccaya summit, and (iii) collecting snow surface samples for microbial, DNA, and RNA analyses. Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center.

2019  Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA (~4000 masl). Rock sampling from the Mt. Princeton batholith (granodiorite) and the San Juan volcanic field (Fish Canyon tuff). Department of Mineral Science, Smithsonian Institution.


2024    EDS Classification for MATLAB. Library of functions for working with SEM-EDS data in MATLAB, including different algorithms for performing mineral classification. Version 1.3.0 is available on GitHub: Link for download.

2024    MATLAB Particle Size Functions. Repository of particle size functions written for MATLAB for evaluating log-normal particle concentrations, converting particle diameter sizes in metric units to phi “φ” units (and vice-versa), and classifying particles sizes according to the Wentworth Scale. Version 1.0.0 is available on GitHub: Link for download.

2024    Dracula color theme for figures. A function and collection of files for applying the popular Dracula color theme to your MATLAB figures. Published to the MATLAB Central File Exchange [Version 1.2.0] on 12 June 2024. Link for download.

2024    Radial histogram for categorical data. A function for visualizing categorical data in polar coordinates in MATLAB. Published to the MATLAB Central File Exchange [Version 1.0.0] on 16 January 2024. Link for download.

2023    Byrd-ICP Data App. An easy-to-use MATLAB application designed for quickly downloading datasets published by the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center’s ice core paleoclimatology (ICP) group. The app and its functions are available to the public in an online repository, including detailed documentation on how to use everything. Link for download.

Language and Software Proficiency

MATLAB  ✩✩✩✩✩
Julia ✩✩✩✩
Python ✩✩✩
Earth Engine (JavaScript) ✩✩✩
LaTeX ✩✩✩

Graduate Coursework

Advanced Oceanography
Intro to Geochemistry
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Earth Sciences
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Seminar in Glaciology and Geomorphology
Seminar in Hydroclimatology
Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
Weather, Climate, and Global Warming


[2] Mineralogical Society of America, 2023 – present

[1] American Geophysical Union, 2022 – present