Group Members

Current Group Members

Graduate Students

Haley Kuhn, PhD

Haleigh Fernandez, PhD

Marc Nolan, PhD

Michael Herman, PhD

Kaiden Murphy, MS

C. R. Weaver, PhD

Lena Ruban, PhD

Undergraduate Students

Sam Gill, Environmental Engineering

Fallon Fuller, Environmental Engineering

Amanda Cowen, Environmental Engineering

Nolan Dwenger, Food, Ag, Biological Engineering


Past Group Members

Post-Doctoral Scholar

Billy Fagan, Post Doc


Graduate Students

Josh Fuchs, MS 

Josh Fuchs completed a M.S. in Dr. Weavers group. He has a lot of love for Ohio State after spending his undergrad here earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering in 2018.

Josh’s research project involved developing a design standard with Ohio EPA and Ohio AWWA for ozone and/or biofiltration installations for Ohio PWSs for treating organic contaminants. The goal of the project is to improve finished water quality in Ohio by making it easier for future water systems to install ozone and/or biofiltration by lowering the demonstration requirements for obtaining Ohio EPA Plan Approval for ozone design and installation. Ozone and biofiltration are often used simultaneously and can be used to target highly health-relevant contaminants in Ohio such as disinfection byproducts (DBPs) including trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) and also for cyanotoxins including microcystin. These treatment processes can also be used for other targets such as taste and odor compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PCCPs), pesticides, color, and the multibarrier disinfection achievable with ozone. The design standard is expected to increase the familiarity of ozone and biofiltration for PWSs and is expected to be especially useful for small-to-medium PWSs in Ohio who currently have a larger barrier to installing ozone due to the cost and time associated with the current demonstration requirements for Plan Approval.

Shannon Thayer, MS

Shannon Thayer completed a Master’s degree under Dr. Weavers. She completed her bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering at Ohio State in December 2020. Her M.S. work focused on the use of ultrasonic treatment of harmful algal blooms.

Mark Tischer, MS

Haley Kuhn, MS

Haleigh Fernandez, MS

Elyse Bonner, MS

Billy Fagan, PhD

Vinny Anderson, PhD

Miranda McGrothers, MS

Megan Patterson, MS

Alessandro Rosso, MS

Anton Rosi, MS

Danielle Kohan, MS

Chenyi Yuan, PhD

Zongsu Wei, PhD

Ruiyang Xiao, PhD

Paola Bottega, MS

Maureen Langlois, MS

Laura Jacobs, PhD

Yuan Gao, MS

Dawn Deojay, MS

Sindhu Tatimatla, MS

Gim Yang Pee, PhD

Limei Yang, PhD

Ziqi He, PhD

Clayton Drees, MS

Dong Chen, PhD

Ping Sun, PhD

Mikko Lamminen, PhD

Xueming Tang, MS

Liang Hiong Chia, MS

Aaron Frim, MS

Gim Yang Pee, MS

Yifang Lu, MS


Undergraduate Students

Ashley Hockstok, Civil Engineering

Megan Nicholson, Environmental Engineering

Lourlie Baniqued, Environmental Engineering

Alex Babinski, Food, Ag, Biological Engineering

Jack Deptola, Chemical Engineering

Lauren Nemec, Environmental Engineering

Tess Belleville, Chemical Engineering

Ricky Vehar, Environmental Engineering

Ryyaan Chowdhury, Environmental Engineering

Shannon Thayer, Environmental Engineering

Yousuf Yousuf, Environmental Engineering

Jason Galloway, Neuroscience

Alex Vieira, Environmental Engineering

Monica Chan, Chemical Engineering

Sam Corbin, Environmental Engineering

Anton Rosi, Environmental Engineering

Emily Marron, Environmental Engineering

Brittnee Halpin, Environmental Engineering

Russell Stech, Environmental Engineering

Corin Marron, Environmental Engineering

Erika Houtz, Environmental Engineering

David Diaz-Rivera, Environmental Engineering

Margaret Williams, Environmental Engineering

Carol Vershum, Environmental Engineering

Joshua Bale, Environmental Engineering

Nicolas Riyanto, Environmental Engineering

Kelly Frye, Environmental Engineering