- Apples: Overall, insect levels have decreased from the previous weeks. Some light levels of green apple aphid were noted. Fruit is developing.
- Grapes: Scouts noted symptoms of grape black rot in some locations. Light defoliation due to Japanese beetle feeding has been found across vineyards.
- Brambles, Blackberries and Raspberries: The big news is that spotted wing drosophila (SWD) was found in traps this week. One female SWD in a West Salem area trap in black raspberries and one female SWD in the Wooster area from a trap in black raspberries. Growers are advised to start a preventative spray program for ripening berries.
- Blueberries: Harvest continues for mid-season blueberries. No SWD found in blueberries but they are in the area.