Week of May 5-9 Scout Summary


Cole crops: Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli:

  • Growers were busy planting cole crops this past week.

 Onions and Garlic:

  • Scouts noted some yellowing on some onion plants, most likely the result of cool weather and soil temperatures.


  • Lettuce under row covers was doing well.


  • planted under row cover are doing well.

 High tunnel tomatoes: 

  • Scouts reporting tomatoes at bud, bloom and fruit set stage of development.  Some cold weather stress noted on some plants in some high tunnels.  Scouts observed a few tomato fruit with zippering.

 Sweet corn planted under row cover: 

  • some plants 3 inches high.  Other locations sweet corn just starting to sprout.  Some light slug damage observed by scouts in sweet corn under row cover.
  • Other crops noted as planted under row cover include green beans, melons, squash.  Melons were exhibiting some symptoms of cold stress.


  • Planted, scouts have not noted emergence yet.


Week of May 5-9 Scout Summary

Alfalfa, Corn and Soybeans Update

Corn and Soybeans:

  • Planting just starting


  • Scouts noting scattered and variable amount of winter kill due to heaving.  Also finding first instar alfalfa weevils at low levels, below threshold treatment levels.

Carolina Geranium/Cinquefoil

Oddly enough, this Carolina Geranium was found in a corn field by the scouts while taking GPS coordinates and soil samples. Two different farms had this same finding.

Caronlina GeraniumCarolina Geranium

This weed, Cinquefoil was also found in the field. It looks almost identical to the Carolina Geranium but if you look closely at the leaf arrangements and the way the leaves split you will notice the difference in the two.


This weed, Cinquefoil was also found in the field. It looks almost identical to the Carolina Geranium but if you look closely at the leaf arrangements and the way the leaves split you will notice the difference in the two.

Carolina Geranium

Carolina Geranium





April 28 – Apples Update

Fruit:   Apples

  • Scouts are monitoring codling moth activity with pheromone traps.  When codling moth numbers average 3 or more per trap, a biofix date is set and growing degree days (GDD) are tracked from that biofix date.  Treatment options are based on GDD days accumulated from the biofix date.  Surprisingly, despite the cool spring, codling moth number at some locations range from near, to at that biofix threshold of 3 or more moths per trap average.
  • Scouts are noting winter injury on peach trees with few trees showing any blossoms at  this point.