Cole crops: Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli:
- Growers were busy planting cole crops this past week.
Onions and Garlic:
- Scouts noted some yellowing on some onion plants, most likely the result of cool weather and soil temperatures.
- Lettuce under row covers was doing well.
- planted under row cover are doing well.
High tunnel tomatoes:
- Scouts reporting tomatoes at bud, bloom and fruit set stage of development. Some cold weather stress noted on some plants in some high tunnels. Scouts observed a few tomato fruit with zippering.
Sweet corn planted under row cover:
- some plants 3 inches high. Other locations sweet corn just starting to sprout. Some light slug damage observed by scouts in sweet corn under row cover.
- Other crops noted as planted under row cover include green beans, melons, squash. Melons were exhibiting some symptoms of cold stress.
- Planted, scouts have not noted emergence yet.