- Asparagus: Scouts are noting the presence of both asparagus beetles and eggs.
- Cole crops: Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli: Scouts noted the presence of light to moderate levels of flea beetles in some plantings and also detected a few eggs of the imported cabbage worm on some plants.
- Onions and Garlic: Scouts noted the presence of thrips below threshold level on some plants.
- Peas: Doing well at this time with no problems noted.
- High tunnel tomatoes: Scouts reporting tomatoes at bud, bloom and fruit set stage of development. The warmer temperatures since the last scouting visit helped the tomatoes to look better at all locations.
- Sweet corn planted under row cover or early field planted: ranged in size from just spiking through the soil surface to 6 inches tall on some row covered sweet corn. Some light slug damage observed by scouts in sweet corn under row cover.
- Cucumbers: Scouts noted cucumbers in high tunnels at bloom and fruit set stage and other cucumbers planted under row cover approaching bloom stage of development.
→ Other crops noted as planted under row cover include green beans, melons, squash.
- Potatoes: Planted, scouts noted most starting to emerge.