Gifting Design

Composing a Song with a Design Mindset

*lyrics are not part of the project; they are just to help with rhythms/ memorization


Use interview-based research to form a gift for an upperclassman in design. Package this gift in a way that is relevant and intentional. Base your design after a design quote that you research. 




The quote I chose for the project was, “The only important thing about design is how it relates to people” — Victor Papanek. I wanted to focus this project a lot on human experience and how I could design this song with structure and intention instead of just writing what I think sounds good. In this project I decided to challenge myself with a medium that isn’t directly associated with design: music. I wanted to take my limited music theory knowledge and design a song from it and from online research. I wrote the melody to be nice, hopeful, and observant. The packaging (the video) is a simple animation that has something pass by every once in a while, because my focus was on appreciating the little moments.


Process Post

Please feel free to view a more comprehensive representation of my process here:

Thank you for your time and consideration