Face Off

Our Narrative 

“The time has now come to discuss the nature of toxic relationships. Often there is one partner that falls victim to the other. There is a manipulative individual who projects their negativity and toxic tendencies unfairly onto their partner. They want to taint them by trapping them in manifestations of doubt and insecurity. The objective becomes hooking them in to tear them down and siphon their energy. In an attempt to build their own damaged selves back up, they dangerously depend upon their partner to bend to their will. A developed sense of cunning is permitted to evolve the longer their partner is allowing the cycle to continue. So much pain has been endured through emotional damage, but this cycle will end–as all things must do. 

Never underestimate the moment when the victim begins to find their inner strength. Gradually, steps are taken toward emotional well-being through building their strength of mind. They are hardening against their partner’s persistent attacks. They are building a shield and preparing to strike back, now armed with self-awareness as their weapon. Welling inside them is their true defense, a suppressed version of themselves that is now ready to break out. When it does, a new energy, stronger than any that was taken from them before, emerges symbolizing a newfound resilience. The efforts of their former manipulator are rendered ineffective now and for the future.”

Idea Progression


In collaboration with a partner, create a narrative based on a concept of dualism. Create a ‘mask’ that represents your side of the dualism through exploring materials that are in the planar form. 



my partner Liz Bouillon’s mask and mine together


This was my first collaborative design project in a studio and I didn’t expect to genuinely enjoy it as much as I did. Having a partner just allowed for more ideas to flow. Our ideation process looked a lot like mind maps and writing down whatever idea that we said. In the end, our narrative had a really meaningful theme to it that we both were proud of and the aesthetics of our two different masks blended well through our use of texture and they both had an organic shape to them. Overall this project taught me a lot about having meaningful intent in my projects and made me excited for more collaborative projects in the future.


Process Post

Please feel free to view a more comprehensive representation of my process here: https://u.osu.edu/waugh.149/2020/03/05/face-off/

Thank you for your time and consideration