Interpreted Journey

Developing the Point of View

Originally I planned on doing the journey through the point of view of being chased; I decided to do the alien view because I felt it would be a different challenge.

See my iterations and notes here: interpreted journey iterations (there are three sets of being chased, one of flying, one of alien, and they all are read horizontally left to right)

Weening off the idea of being chased, I didn’t want to insert a lot of people because I wanted to focus on the landscape aspect. This is why my final doesn’t have the alien in the jacuzzi or him riding a bird scooter.

I used canted angles to signal confusion of the alien. I also made University Hall from a high perspective on with the bird sketches, but I decided to put a low angle of University Hall to make it seem overwhelming for the alien.


Choosing one Path

I was most excited for my alien path because I felt confident in portraying his confusion. My critique group did help me realize that my initial ideas were a little too imaginative and reminded me to continue to focus on the angles/ perspective. This helped me to stick with the views being from his perspective.



For the final I used gray scale markers, which I really enjoyed. I outlined the drawings in black to make them have harder edges, but it may have made the drawings not as bold. I really wanted to focus on perspective and portraying the mood through only needed details. I have a bad habit of drawing too light and focusing too hard on details rather than the big picture; I felt that the markers really helped with that.

You can view my final here: interpreted journey

1.) My first drawing is the first thing the alien takes in on this new planet. He is looking at some unknown objects (acorns) in his hands that have a dizzying perspective. Hayes Halls is seen blurred in the background.

2.)My second image is a canted view of a tree and recycling bin somewhere on the sidewalk after Hayes Hall and before University Hall. The canted view gives a feeling of confusion as he’s worriedly exploring this odd place.

3.) My third drawing is a low angle view of University Hall. I meant for this to give an overwhelming feeling.

4.) My fourth drawing is a drawing of Thompson Library. I included it to show the contrast of modern architecture compared to the more traditional architecture of University Hall.

5.) I included this fifth drawing of a propped open door to show how the alien got into the RPAC. I inserted odd symbols and writing on the door to show that the alien is unaware of the language on the door.

6.) The final drawing is the destination of the alien. The jacuzzi has a longer stretched distortion to it and a semi-glowing effect to it. I included odd letters in the jacuzzi as well to continue to show that he doesn’t know the language.