Watt’s Laundry

Welcome To Watt’s Laundry!

Watt’s Laundry & Co’s mission is to make Laundry easier for college students at The Ohio State University.

Figure 1: Watts Laundry Logo

To learn more about:

Our Business and what Watt’s Laundry is about, click the link below!

Business model

Watt’s Vehicle and System models, click the link below!

Design Concept

The economic and social benefits Watt’s provides to our society, click the link below!

Economic and Social Value

Watt’s Integrated Transportation System and the Pains our company alleviates and the Gains our company provides, click the link below!

ITS Description

The problem Watt’s Laundry is trying to solve, click the link below!

Mission Statement

Our dedicated workers, click the link below!

Meet Our Team