This final concept depicted in Figure 1 was selected because it meets user needs more effectively than other concept designs and the reference system. It was deemed to be the safer, more time efficient, easier to use, more and aesthetically pleasing system. It provided a preferable solution for the two of the three needs that were assigned the highest weight over the underground system. The only third heavily weighted need was durability, which an underground system that is protected from the elements would meet more effectively. However, precautions can be taken to increase the durability of the monorail system.
The final selected concept is the above-ground monorail system. This system would be constructed on Ohio State’s main campus and would have stations at major hubs around campus (such as the RPAC, Ohio Union, and the towers). An above ground monorail can utilize solar energy to be more energy independent. It would also require much less construction than a below ground system and the construction would be much less inconvenient to the student body. Artificial Intelligence technology would make the system extremely reliable and easy to use. This system would run throughout the day and night, increasing safety on campus (because fewer people will be walking alone). A safety system will be installed on each of the cars of the monorail to motivate against crime. This safety system will also utilize AI technology.
The Vehicle Route System displayed in Figure 2 has two different routes around campus. One route covers South and North campuses, which is represented by orange, and the other route covers west and medical campuses, which is represented by blue. Both routes overlap at a station at Thompson Library so that students can transfer between routes as necessary. There will be stations in areas of campus that are near high volume areas around campus (Scott House, the Union, Denney Hall, etc.). These stops are represented by green dots.
The west/medical campus route will be used for the model and all data will be scaled to the south/north campus route displayed in Figure 2. Eight curves (represented by the curve on the track that is one-fourth of a circle) will be used. Four short segments will also be used, as well as one long segment from the track.
The final PV was built to resemble our concept while working on the track we had access to. The vehicle hangs from a track by the wheels at the top of the arm. The PV is propelled by two motors, controlled by an Arduino Nano, and powered by a battery. It can hold 50 gram weights as well as magnetically connect to 200 gram cabooses. The weights simulate passengers riding the monorail. There is a braking system that presses an eraser against the wheel that is on the track to safely bring the PV to a stop.
The code for our test on track 1 released the brake, accelerated for 5 seconds and then applied the brake. The code for track 2 released the brake, accelerated for 2 seconds and then stopped to reach the gate. The PV then waited for 8 seconds before accelerating through the gate once it opened.