Camp Hervida Dinner & Fundraiser – Nov 12


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Doors open 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:00 p.m., Drawing 7:00 p.m.

Churchtown K of C Hall, SR 676

$40 ticket (dinner and drawings for cash prizes)

Your club can provide a community service to our county-owned 4-H camp facility by being workers, donating an item to the silent auction and/or providing desserts at the Building Fund Drawing & Silent Auction on Saturday, November 12. This year’s proceeds will go toward operating expenses & kitchen improvements.

Workers are needed to clear tables and clean up the kitchen from 6:00 p.m. until finished. Another work crew is needed to tear down tables and chairs at the end of the fund raiser from 9 p.m. until finished. 4-H club members, parents and advisors who are signed up to work receive a free meal and do not need to purchase a $40 ticket.

An item for the silent auction can be made or solicited from a business by your club. Various kinds of gift baskets, gift certificates, novelties, tools, decorations, etc. are appropriate. Items can be dropped off at the Extension Office before Saturday or at the K of C Hall on Saturday by 4 p.m.

A total of 30 desserts are needed to help keep the meal costs down. Your club could provide one or more pies or cakes. Desserts can be dropped off at the Extension Office before Saturday or at the K of C Hall on Saturday by 4 p.m.

To contribute as a community service project for your club, please contact Jane at 740-568-8044. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Need a flier to promote the event: 2022 Flier

HealthU Retreat for Youth


Are you a 4-H’er interested in health? Do you see yourself potentially working in health one day? Nutritionist? Therapist? Nurse? Athletic Trainer? Geneticist?

 What: Health University (HealthU) is a weekend camp in October focused on Healthy Living for high schoolers in Ohio 4-H. Join us at 4-H Camp Ohio for a weekend as we explore four of the 9 Dimensions of Wellness and explore health-related careers. We will be exploring the following four tracks of wellness:

  • Physical wellness allows a person to engage in activities of daily living without experiencing undue fatigue or exhaustion. The physical dimension of wellness is supported through health behaviors, which include exercise, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol intake, not smoking, and getting adequate sleep each night.
  • Emotional wellness involves recognizing, accepting, and expressing feelings. Adequate rest is required for wellness in this dimension. If an individual’s mental function is hindered by stress and lack of sleep, they may struggle with accurately assessing a situation which then triggers negative emotional responses and disrupts emotional wellness.
  • Social wellness requires the ability to trust and respect other people and leads to the creation of supportive partnerships and friendships. Being socially well allows one to develop and maintain intimacy, and to have empathy and respect for others.
  • Creative wellness allows a person to appreciate and/or participate in a diverse range of arts or cultural experiences, and to value and cherish the surrounding world. Freely expressing thoughts and emotions through dance, song, drawing, painting, or writing are some of the ways to engage in creative wellness.

Who: Any current 4-H’ers in grades 9 thru 12.

When: Friday, October 21 to Sunday, October 23, 2022

Where: 4-H Camp Ohio, 11461 Camp Ohio Rd, St Louisville, OH 43071

Cost: $50 per youth (card or check)

Deadline: Register by 11:59pm on Sunday, October 2, 2022 Sunday, October 9, 2022

Registration: IS LIVE

Contact: Justin Bower,, with questions.

Help Needed for Hervida Food Booth at Lowell OctoberFest

The Hervida Board of Directors are looking for help to staff the food booth at the Lowell OctoberFest. The event is October 1 & 2 and help is needed for:

  • Saturday, October 1 from 11 – 2
  • Saturday, October 1 from 2 – 5
  • Sunday, October 2 from 11-2
  • Sunday, October 2 from 2-5

Call Ellen Biehl for question or to volunteer 740-525-3853

Lemon Shake Schedule – Help Still Needed

Help for the Hervida Lemon Shake stand at the Sternwheel Festival is still needed:

  • Saturday, 5:00-7:00 pm
  • Setup on Thursday at 6:00 pm
  • Tear down on Sunday at 4:00 pm

Also need donations of sugar or money for lemons, ice, etc.

Contact Jane Lennox 740-568-8044 to volunteer

Help & Donations Needed for Hervida Lemonshake Stand at Sternwheel Festival

Would you or your club or family be available to work a shift September 8 – 11 at the Hervida Lemonshake Stand during the Marietta Sternwheel Festival?

Help is needed for the following:

  • Friday, Sept 9 from 7-9 pm
  • Friday, Sept 9 from 9-11 pm
  • Saturday, Sept 10 from 5-7 pm

Bags of sugar can be donated and dropped off at the Extension Office or donations to purchase lemons, sugar, ice, and cups can be make payable to “Hervida 4-H Camp, Inc.” and mailed to 1115 Gilman Ave, Marietta

The schedule in draft form is posted here: Worker Schedule 2022 -draft

Contact Jane Lennox at 740-568-8044

Peoples Bank Awards Grant to Hervida

We are excited to announce Peoples Bank Foundation has funded a grant for Hervida 4-H Camp to have an automated external defibrillator (AED) Unit at the camp facility. The unit is on order and will be installed for the 2023 camping season. Thanks Peoples Bank Foundation for helping to ensure the health and safety of our campers and visitors at Camp Hervida!

4-H Camp Photos & Lost and Found Items

Attention campers and parents! We have a couple of announcements following camp:

  • We have lots of lost and found items from our summer 4-H Camps. If your camper is missing clothing, towels, water bottles or other items, stop by the OSU Extension Office and claim your items. All unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity on August 1.
  • Camp photos are now uploaded for viewing and downloading from the Zenfolio site. The website and access code was given to families during camp check-in.

Hervida 100th Celebration – July 2 & 3

Have You Ordered Your Tickets for the Hervida 100th Dinner?

  • Online Clothing Orders Due – Sunday, June 11 at midnight
  • Purchase Catered Dinner Tickets – Saturday, June 18

Join the community of past, present, and future campers as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our beloved Camp Hervida. Everyone is invited and welcome to join in the festivities!

A weekend full of celebratory events is planned. See the schedule of events below. Bring your family and come and go as you please throughout the weekend. We hope you’ll spend the whole weekend at camp!

All events are free for all to enjoy, with the following exceptions: SnoBiz Hawaiian shaved ice truck and Saturday night catered dinner. Park in the ball field – handicap accessibility provided.

Saturday, July 2

10:30 am             Registration Booth Opens

11:00 – 12:30     Bring Your Own Picnic Lunch

1:00 – 4:00          SnoBiz Hawaiian Shaved Ice

1:00 – 5:00          Daytime Activities (Swimming, Creek Walk, Field Games, Crafts)

1:00 – 5:30          Memorabilia Sales near the Canteen

5:30                      Dinner Catered by Cowboy Concessions

7:00                      Flag Lowering

7:30                      Evening Recreation

8:30                      Campfire

9:30                      Safe Trip Home or Go to Cabins


Sunday, July 3

8:30 am               Grab & Go Continental Breakfast

9:30                      Registration Booth Opens

10:00                    Flag Raising

10:30                    Vespers Program

12:00 noon         Potluck Lunch

12:30 – 3:00       Memorabilia Sales near the Canteen

12:30 – 1:30       Ice Cream Social with Uncle Dan’s Ice Cream

1:00 – 3:00          Daytime Activities (Swimming, Scavenger Hunt, Creek Walk, Putt Putt, Hiking, Crafts)

3:00                      Flag Lowering

3:30                      Safe Trip Home & Clean Up