Hog Tag Pictures Due June 1

By June 1, 2023 all hogs project members must take a picture of tag in hog’s ear and send it to: wcfhogs@gmail.com Must include name of exhibitor with their hog tag number. Sample Photo: Submit 1 or 2 photos showing the tag number in the pig’s ear and showing the color & markings in the other photo.  If the pig is one solid color then only one photo is needed.

Pictures must be submitted by ALL exhibitors, regardless of who tagged them or where purchased.

If you want to share a pen with someone or have a pen request other than a sibling, notify Chris Campbell by June 15 (740-984-4646)

June 1st Deadline for Horse Project Members

ATTENTION ALL HORSE MEMBERS!!  Our horse paperwork deadline is quickly approaching on June 1, 2023.  Members will need to turn in their horse declaration form, Immunization form, stall reservation for County Fair, Lease agreements, and PAS forms for those participating.  The Saddle Horse Committee is hosting a PAS show on Saturday June 3, 2023 and we will conclude with a Fun show following the PAS events/classes.  The PAS show is the state qualifying event for horse members to be eligible to compete at the Ohio State Fair.  This event will be held at the Washington County Fair located at 922 Front Street Marietta Ohio.  Horse members in Washington County will not be charged a fee for PAS classes, however all other out of county participants must pre-register with a $10 fee per class by May 27th.  The Fun show will immediately follow the PAS event and all participants must be 4-H / FFA members of 4-H project age and follow all 4-H Uniform Horse Rules.  Fun Show classes are $2 per class with a fee of $10 max for the day. PAS Fun Show 2023 Participants will register at the event approximately 1 hour before the show.

The last Educational Equine Session is scheduled for June 24th from 9am to noon at the Washington County Fair, any horse member planning to exhibit at fair must attend one Equine Session to be eligible to show.  For questions please call OSU Extension 740-376-7431.

Horse Equine Riding Session Scheduled

The second educational equine session is scheduled for May 20th from 10am to 12noon. The event will be held at the Washington County Fair horse arena.  This is an open workout with a focus on understanding PAS patterns and riding.  Members may bring their horses to this event.  All 4H riding rules will be enforced according to the uniform horse rules book.  Any member who missed the mandatory parent meeting must arrive at 9am to complete the required  training.  Any member who has not completed the Equistep training must watch the modules and complete the quiz prior to the session.  Members who complete the Equistep training must email their results to hartline.24@osu.edu by May 17th.  For more details please call the office at 740-376-7431.

Car Wash Guidelines for Marietta & Belpre

Is your club or organization thinking about having a car wash to beat the summer heat and raise some funds?

Vehicle wash water often contains detergents, oil, grease, nutrients, and toxic metals. This has a potential to add additional nutrients and harmful chemicals to streams & rivers. Left untreated, the polluted discharges can not only affect the aquatic life in waterways, but could eventually affect drinking water supplies.

If you are planning a car wash please read this information (attached)

Marietta Car Washing Brochure City

Belpre Car Washing Brochure City

Hevida BBQ – May 6

Come support the Hervida Chicken BBQ on Saturday, May 6 at Hervida 4-H Camp! Meals will be served from 5:00 to 700 pm

We are also in need of some help:

  • dessert donations
  • country store donations
  • cut and stock desserts during the BBQ (one hour time slots)
  • Serve and stock beverages (one hours time slots)
  • Clear tables and wipe trays (one hour time slots)
  • Run dishwasher (one hour time slots)
  • Prepare Carry-out Meals (one hour time slots)

You can sign-up to help here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a094eada72ca1fd0-hervida1#/

Bean Ride Charities to Support Hervida 4-H Camp

Bean Ride Charities has selected Hervida 4-H Camp as the beneficiary of their 2023 fundraising efforts. The BIG event will be held September 15-17 and the proceeds will help build a new girls cabin to replace Cabin #8.

To get supplies and items for the September event, a Cornhole Tournament will be held on June 3. Registration begins at 2:30 and the cost is $15 per person. The event will be held at 34546 Atherton Road, Mackburg, OH. You can direct questions to Barb at 740-374-5676 or email questions to beanridecharities@outlook.com

Market Turkey Pickup – May 10

The market turkeys are scheduled to ship from the hatchery next week. We are expecting them to arrive on Wednesday, May 10 in the afternoon. If the turkeys arrive as scheduled we will hold pick up at Heritage Cooperative at 219 S. Third Street in Marietta from 3 to 5 pm. You might want to call the Extension Office to make sure they have arrived before traveling.

If you have additional questions please call the Extension Office at 740-376-7431 or email hartline.24@osu.edu

Regional Teen Leader Workshop – May 21

Join the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council on Sunday, May 21st for our first Regional Workshop! Held in Jackson County, teens from across the state will gather to learn more about leadership through interactive sessions and team building activities. Session topics will include leadership styles, public speaking, camp counseling, and more! Registration will close on Friday, May 12th. The link to register is: www.go.osu.edu/tlcworkshop. Grab a friend or come as a club, we can’t wait to see you there!