We are recruiting for the CARteens 4-H Club and wanted to invite you to one of our meetings. CARteens 4-H members lead hands on activities for teen traffic offenders once a month. Our next meeting is Wednesday October 12th from 530-9pm or our November meeting is Wednesday November 9th from 5:30-9pm.
Our meetings start with setting up the conference room for presentations, eating pizza together for a meal and holding a short meeting with announcements. The presentation would be from 7-9pm with 4-H members leading different activities during the presentation. Please join us to observe and determine if you would like to join our club as a teen member. We meet the second Wednesday of each month and take July off. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming meetings, we meet at the OSU Extension Office located at 1115 Gilman Ave Marietta. Please let us know if you will be joining us so we have enough food for the meal that evening! You may call our office at 740-376-7431 or email hartline.24@osu.edu . If you have questions about the club or program please reach out.