County Fair Livestock Sale Results

Here are the results of the 2018 Washington County Fair Livestock Sale. You can click on each pdf to open the results.

Dairy Feeder – Dairy-Feeder-Sale-Results-1uzigew – corrected-209bst6 – updated 9/14/18

Market Beef – Market Beef Sale Results-vwd81k

Market Chickens – Market Chickens Sale Results – corrected-12830nm – updated 9/13/18

Market Goats – Market Goat Sale Results – corrected-2hyjoix  updated 9/13/18

Market Lambs – Market Lamb Sale Results – corrected-26r45qp  updated 9/13/18

Market Rabbits – Market Rabbit Sale Results-smhc87

Market Turkeys – Market Turkey Sale Results-234wf6a

Ohio Cheviot Breeders Starter Flock Award

The Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association (OCBA) is seeking applicants for the Jim Cluff Memorial Starter Flock Award.

The OCBA started the contest in 1994 to award a Cheviot starter flock to an Ohio youth up to 17 years of age. The purpose of the award is to introduce the youth to the enjoyment of raising and owning a purebred Cheviot sheep, as well as encouraging the growth of new Cheviot breeders in Ohio.

The contest winner will receive the following: a one-year membership in the OCBA, one bred ewe the first year, one ram the second year and in the third year the youth will donate a lamb to continue the award.

The application deadline is September 30th. For an application and contest rules please contact Bob Hunter at (614)483-3202 or at

Pen Tear Down – M-Z on Sept 9 at 3:00

From the 2018 Jr Fair Guide:

*In order to be permitted to sell their livestock project s all junior fair exhibitors at the county fair are required to assist in pen set-up or pen tear down.
*There will be a sign-out sheet provided. Any junior exhibitor not signing out will forfeit 20% of their total sales.
*Set-up Aug 12 beginning at 3:00. Last name A—L
*Tear-down Sept 9: Last name M—Z

Ohio 4-H Award Training – Sept 15 & Nov 10 (Columbus)

This year, the Teen Leadership Council will be hosting TWO free achievement form workshops. The first will take place on September 15th, 2018. I have attached a flyer that you may share on your county social media, website, or print out to hang in your office. You can also share the post from to your pages.

The first workshop on September 15th, 2018 from 5:00-7:00pm will take place at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Auditorium. This is geared toward 4-H members completing the form for the first time. It will cover basic information about completing the form. 4-H professionals, parents, and advisors are also welcome to attend! We are going to try to offer a Zoom option and record the session. If interested in the Zoom option, contact Hannah to receive log in information by September 10th. Please RSVP by September 10th to Hannah Epley at and/or send any questions her way.

The second workshop will be held on November 10th, 2018 from 1:00-2:30pm in the Ag Admin Auditorium on OSU Columbus Campus. This will be a more in-depth session for 4-H members that have filled out the form in past years or have already worked quite a bit on their form for their first year. It will offer work stations and coaches to help attendees critique their forms for submission. Please RSVP for this session by November 5th. More info for this session will be sent out in late October.

Achievement Form Workshop Promo Flyer-2kia4h0

Ohio 4-H Health Heroes – Apps due Sept 15

  • The Health Heroes Program is open to all youth in grades 7-12. Youth in grades 9-12 have the option to take on additional responsibilities and serve at the state level.
  • Applications are due September 15th.
  • Youth must attend one of the regional trainings held throughout the state

Please refer to our webpage for more information, requirements to serve, and the application link.

If you receive any questions, please direct them to

2018-2019 Health Heroes recruitment flyer for state fair-1gu761l