Getting to know me: Warren Burger, 15th Chief Justice

Graduating college at St. Paul's in '31

Graduating college at St. Paul’s in ’31

As a young lawyer, I found myself getting involved in Republican politics and worked my way up to US Attorney General in 1955. I was recommended by Dwight Eisenhower to the Court of Appeals. How many people can say that? Okay, 45, but I still consider it an accomplishment. I became the 15th Chief Justice of the United States in 1969 for my 13 year term and I was nominated by Richard Nixon who I later impeached.

I may be conservative, but I have some pretty progressive opinions. I voted in favor of the Miranda bill. Who shouldn’t know their rights? I also voted in favor of Roe v. Wade. Privacy is key and it’s a woman’s business.

I did a lot of work behind the scenes and I am known for the advancements I have made in the administration of the Judicial System.

As the first amendment goes, I believe freedom of speech is extremely important, but when it comes to law, it is still applicable. We have rules set in place for this and I spent my career protecting our first amendment rights but I did not stand for anyone breaking the Establishment Clause and I laid down guidelines to determine obscenity. I worked on setting a clear line on what is freedom of speech and what is obscene, which I call the “Miller Test”. I also created the “Lemon Test” for religious laws. During my time as Chief Justice I did fight for the protection of students’ first amendment rights in schools. I believe we deserve our freedoms, but they can be limited when it puts nation in a national threat to security.

Library of Congress '76

Library of Congress ’76



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