
Through my study abroad experiences and language study I have become very flexible and able to adapt to new situations quickly. This skill will serve me well in whatever field I decide to pursue.

Through leading a dance through my club and teaching other girls to dance, as well as serving on the executive board of my sophomore honorary, my leadership skills have grown and refined this year. This new-found confidence and experience will be useful in my future career.

My innate interest in other people and curiosity I have for them makes it very easy for me to converse with other people. While in both Taiwan and Mexico it was common for me to start conversations with strangers to practice language and challenge myself. At Ohio State, I always make connections with fellow classmates in my classes and have begun to build a network on campus. This trait makes meeting new people and networking not only easy but enjoyable.


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About Me

About MeHello, my name is Sophie Warner, and I am a first year here at Ohio State originally from the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. My major is currently undecided and I am exploring the many option available here at the university. I am considering a Romance Studies major due to my prior experience with French and Spanish and my desire to be able to learn many languages at once. I am also working towards a Chinese (Mandarin) minor. Other interests that I’m considering as major/minor material are architecture, history, and journalism! In high school I was a student athlete and was also involved in the drama and music departments. I come from a Montessori background so when learning I enjoy delving into topics in order to understand the deep meaning rather than just memorizing lots of surface information. I’m very observant of those around me and that’s why I’m more adept at learning foreign languages. During my time at the university I hope to study abroad, do research, and also get involved in volunteer work in the community!