MODULE 3 BLOG: Communicating and Collaborating Blog Post

The most useful thing I learned from this module is time management and communication is the most important thing. You have to learn how to talk and interact with people rather its through the internet or in person. I think the most important thing for me right now is sending an academic email properly. Since I am still in school, sending emailing to my instructor is very important . I have sent emails before but I never put any thought into it wondering if it was professional or not. The steps that was given in module 3 was very helpful and detailed. From how to introduce yourself the correct way and end the email the correct way and making sure I say things right so they will not come off wrong. I haven’t sent a email recently so I can talk about how it worked out but I think I have a better view on things and how to correctly approach my professors. I really can put the signature to practice in the future and now. I always notice professors signature but never thought they were important. I would tell students to pay attention how they interact and talk to people online through emails. That is really important because you never know how people view things so you have to be careful.

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