Overall Reflection

I would describe my knowledge and skills at the beginning of the course to be kind of all over the place and not very prepared. I never had really felt the need to organize and schedule my assignments based on priority. This caused me to procrastinate a lot. Now, at the end of the course I have learned different tips and tools to use to better plan my assignments out and to make sure I’m not waiting until the last minute to compete something. Some of the most important, useful, and interesting things I’ve learned were from the readings we wrote our blog posts on. One that stood out to me a lot was what I wrote my module 4 blog on; becoming an active learner. In this post, I referenced page 3, where it tells us that being an active learner goes beyond simply asking questions and attending office hours. Something as small as getting together with other students in the class or listening to additional podcasts could have a huge effect on your grade and how much information you actually gain from the class. Something I’ve learned about myself is that I never really went the extra mile in my classes like I should have. This class will hopefully motivate me to further my efforts in my future classes so that I not only do better in the class grade wise, but gain more knowledge that will help me further my education towards my career. My most meaningful experience in this course was doing blog posts on the readings. This helped me understand the material so much more than if I were just to read the modules and take a quiz on it. When you have to actually reflect on what you read and apply to it to your own life and other real life situations, the material is much easier to understand. The topics I chose to write my blog posts about really helped me analyze the readings a lot more than I normally owed have. I will apply what I learned in this class in the future by using the different strategies such as planning, organizing, and using online tools to help me in my classes. I was thinking about adding my assignments to my online calendar as well as my schedule planner so that I have double the reminders to hold me accountable for getting my work done. My parting words of advice to my readers, viewers, and listeners is to never procrastinate and try to limit your distractions as much as possible. These are two things that always cause trouble for me when it comes to completing tasks and getting my work done. Something that always helps me, distraction wise, is to put my phone away and do my work in a quiet room by myself where no one can interrupt my focus. As far as procrastination goes, it will only hurt you if you choose to wait until the last minute to get your work done. So, my advice is to just get it out of the way as soon as possible. You’ll thank yourself later.

Module 6: Searching and Researching

In this module, the most useful thing I learned was to focus more on source reliability. On page 67, it tells you multiple places to check on the website to verify it’s credibility and reliability. A specific example of something in this module I have already put in my practice is checking the author’s credentials. I always make sure that the person writing the article is qualified and educated to do so so that my research is accurate. This works out pretty well because it verifies that the information I am learning is from someone who knows plenty about the topic and can teach it to me correctly. Some ideas from this module that I could put into practice in the future are checking the contact information. I would do this by searching the webpage for a contact section where I could find more information about the author to ensure what I’m reading was written by a professional. Some advice that I would give to students based on what I’ve read and experienced in this module would be to always make sure that the credentials and references of the article are reliable and accurate so that you aren’t learning false information.

Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening & Viewing Strategies

In this module, the most useful thing I learned was to take better notes by using a template. On slide 7, it gives an example of the Cornell Method to help organize your notes into what the lecturer says as well as your own thoughts. A specific example of something in this module I have already put in my practice organizing my notes in a template manner. My notes are usually in bullet points organized by importance. This works out pretty well because it organizes my notes in a way that when I’m studying, I can easily access the information I need. Some ideas from this module that I could put into practice in the future are creating more of a box-like template to visually organize my notes as well as logistically organizing them. I would do this creating a box-like template before I begin taking notes so that I can easily sort the points into their respective boxes. Some advice that I would give to students based on what I’ve read and experienced in this module would be to definitely organize your notes in some manner, so that when you need to look back on them to study, it is very simple and doesn’t stress you out even more.

Educational Video Assignment

In this video, a man with bipolar disorder discusses different events throughout the past couple years that have triggered his disorder. He talks about how during his final exams, drugs like ritalin and caffeine triggered his manic episode and caused him to have a more elevated mood and become manic. This caused him to perform illegal and outrageous acts that did not reflect his normal morals and personality. As a result, he did not perform as well on his exams as he intended to. This also triggered his disorder and caused his elevated mood to decline rapidly and enter into a depressed state. Throughout the video, he describes different triggers to his disorder and how it affected his life.


This video enhances my learning on the topic of bipolar disorder because it gives me a first hand look at a client with this disorder. In my abnormal psychology class, we were given basic examples of situations that happen to people with the disorder, but it definitely helps to get a first hand look. With these more personal examples, I’m given a more detailed and personal view of the disorder which helps me better understand the illness as a whole. Watching more videos on disorders would help me have a more well-rounded view on mental illnesses to help me further my psychology education.

Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

In this module, the most useful thing I learned was to become an active learner. On page 3, it tells us that being an active learner goes beyond simply asking questions and attending office hours. A specific example of something in this module I have already put in my practice is collaborating with other students in my class outside of the lecture to help me learn the material better. This works out pretty well because sometimes its a lot easier to discuss information with another student is learning the same way you are because you can relate to it more. Some ideas from this module that I could put into practice in the future are reading beyond the textbook and checking out podcasts or other outside resources to further understand the information. I would do this by branching out my search to find other sources of information regarding the topic I am learning. Some advice that I would give to students based on what I’ve read and experienced in this module would be that the more effort you put into the class, and the more active you are, the more you will gain from the class and the more you will succeed.

Module 3: Communicating and Collaboration

In this module, the most useful thing I learned was to avoid miscommunication while interacting with others online. On page 122, it tells us to always be looking out for and avoiding various miscommunications. A specific example of something in this module I have already put in my practice is making sure my message is clearly stated in the way I’m intending it to. This works out pretty well because I’ve never ran into a situation where someone has been confused on the tone of my message or the message itself that I’m trying to get across. Some ideas from this module that I could put into practice in the future are looking for possible miscommunications in receiving messages. I would do this by rereading messages and comments I receive to make sure I am clearly and effectively understanding what the person communicating with me is saying. Some advice that I would give to students based on what I’ve read and experienced in this module would be to always be aware of the tone as well as the content of messages you are sending and maybe even viewing them from a different perspective so that you can all around be making sure that there is no miscommunication.