Year in Review Freshman Year

Dunn Sport and Wellness scholars has opened doors for me at Ohio State.  In my first year at Ohio State I participated in Buckeyethon.  Seeing how many people could set aside their differences and commit to a night to help kids with pediatric cancer was incredible.  This was so incredible that I decided to go for a position on DSWS leadership council.  After I was excepted to Leadership Council I found out that Jenna and I were named DSWS Buckeyethon team captains.  I am so excited to start this journey and take a step further in the process to help the Nationwide kids.

Not only has DSWS helped me in my social life, but it has also helped me in my professional life.  The DSWS professional development meeting was a big help.  Not only did this help me get an idea of interviews and about our own social media platform.  Rob and his fraternity friends were a big help in making a resume.  I had never made a resume before and knew that  resume was the first time that an employer got to look at the accomplishments that you have finished.  Rob specifically dissected my resume and gave me pointers in which would make my resume stand out.

DSWS has taught me a lot in the grand schemes of things.  One of the most important ideas that I have learned is who you surround yourself with can either make or break you.  Surrounding myself with such unselfish people that have the same hobbies has carried me through college so far.  Nobody ever says that they stay at a college for the class or the homework, its all about the people here.  Not going to lie, classes are tough right now, but the people who I call friends encourage me each day and help me through all my hardships.

When I entered DSWS, I stayed to myself for the most part and just tried to get by at college.  I know try and reach out to everyone and I am trying to enjoy college.  Now I will go out of my way for people instead of keeping myself in my dorm, I want to see how everyone is doing now.

Year in Review


The past year at Ohio State has brought a lot of change in my life.  New friends, new classes, and from these comes a new me.  To begin the year I thought academics weren’t going to be ti challenging.  However, to my surprise, it was significantly more difficult then high school.  I have involved into a much better student.  At the beginning I thought that I knew what I wanted to do with my career, but after a few weeks, I found out that maybe it wasn’t what I wanted to do.  The next couple weeks it was a struggle to stay focused in my classes because I didn’t even know if they mattered in the end.  However, once I finally found my passion, it was a lot easier to work on school work.  Not only did I improve as a student, but I also improved as a friend.  At the beginning of the year, as most people would be, I was pretty quiet and didn’t talk to many people outside of my immediate friend zone.  However, as the year went on, I started to say hi to the others and even drop into their common rooms to hangout for a little while.

Finally, I think that the biggest difference that happened to me over this short semester is my attitude.  If college has taught me one thing, it is to be the bigger person.  So many people here get angry or upset over really small events.  Before I arrived here at Ohio State, I had a very short fuse.  I would get upset quickly and make rash decisions.  Now, however, I think it over, and I always try to understand where they are coming from.  This has helped me avoid little confrontations that were not necessary in my life.


[ “G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where students write about how their planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.

Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .
Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.
Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]


Volunteer Hours (Autumn)

-DSWS day of service (5 hrs)

–Went to Goodwill and helped clean up the store

-Hot Chocolate Run (6.5 hrs)

–Was at finish line and gave runners refreshments as they finished

-Wipeout (2 hrs)

–Helped with the course in swinging balls

Volunteer Hours (Spring)

-Buckeyethon (14 hrs)

–We danced for 12 straight hours for the kids and I got there early to help sign in people who didn’t precheck






This is a picture of a few Dunn Sports and Wellness Scholars at the Big Ten/ACC challenge.

From left to right is:Me, Sarah Beth, Brooke, Josh, Augie, Aiden, and Pj took the picture.

This is the result of me becoming more personable and getting to know more people than just my common room.  Here, we got a group of us to attend the mensbasketball game.  The students were able to get in free and there were free hats and glow sticks when you got to your seats.  It was good to get away from school and just relax with people who I wanted to learn more about.  This game was special for me though.  At the beginning of the game, two guys came up to me and asked if I was a student at Ohio State.  As I was, I got to shoot before the game in a competition.  This was one of the most packed games because it was free and it was Clemson who was a respectable opponent.  I got to go on the court and shoot elbow jumpers for thirty seconds.  I lost, which was kind of embarrassing, but I am so glad I did it.  I got a free shirt, stocking hat, and I got a fifty dollar gift card to American Eagle.  I then went back to my seat and watched the rest of the game from the bleachers.  It was a great time and just solidified how special that I have it here at Ohio State.

About Me


My name is Derek Wank.  I am an engineering major at The Ohio State University.  I am from Woodville, Ohio.  I am a middle child with an older sister and a younger sister.  I played football, basketball, and baseball in high school.  My older sister goes to Oho State and is currently helps with DSWS.  Sports are a big influence as well as family and friends.