How time flies! It is already the second week of April (Earth Month). For the mid-actions plan check in, some action was completed with success and some I had a very hard time to even do it. The first week action plan I did not encounter any difficulty in completing it, all I need to do was to talk to people and gave them exposures about Taiwan’s current status, and the past events in history that lead to current situation in present time. When I described the story to people, their reaction from it were all “oh, I never knew that! That’s very interesting, thank you for telling me!” And every time when people told me that, I always feel a sense of fulfillment, knowing that I have taught a piece of “forgotten history/current event” to people. Before the action plan was initiated, I forecast that I will encounter people that will disagree with me because of different view point, but so far with my action plan, I had not encounter anybody that openly disagreed with me. I am continuing to stay up to date with Taiwan-American relation through news channel (I can only get those news through Taiwan media, because the U.S media has been focusing on events in other places of the world) and with the current U.S administration, frequent actions has been made by the US regarding East Asia region. The second action for the second week, I had significant trouble to complete it. My second week’s action is to attend club meeting in OSU that has to do with Taiwan, so Taiwanese American in OSU or Taiwanese in OSU. However, due to my already near full schedule with classes and other clubs meeting, I had not been able to go to any of the Taiwanese club meeting. I will continue to try to work around my schedule to try to find time to go to those meeting, but I should say here out front, it is unlikely that I will ever find time to make it to those meetings. This schedule availability also present a challenging factor to my other two actions plan in the coming weeks, but I have confidence that I can at least complete one of the action for the next two weeks.