For the RIASEC test. My result is RCE. Which stand for Realistic, Conventional and Enterprising. The word realistic describes me almost perfectly. I generally do not like to show emotion, I believe it will cloud my judgement, especially during times of crisis. So I put a lot of checks and controls into my emotions. Which usually shapes me into a cold person, and I am fine with it. For conventional, I am a by the book person. I like to follow the Standard Operating Procedure or checklist because I like to follow the rules and I know they are reliable. Also having a sense of security and comfort on what I did is all standardize and cannot go wrong. It was surprising to me that I got enterprising, because that is almost the same as creative. But then I looked at the character trait, and the word “control” makes perfect sense. I like to keep an up to date on all the information. And I like to control certain process if I can to ensure the outcome I want.
For the career exploration process, I am basically 90% confident about the type of occupation I want to be when I join the work force. My primary pursuit is to become an international airline pilot like Emeritus, Turkish Airline, or Etihad Airways (they offer the most international destinations, which meet my ideal lifestyle of travel around the world while working). If for some reason I could not fly, my backup occupation will be working in management department for an airport or airline. Bottom line is, I want to devote my life in aviation industry, and be as close to commercial airliners as much as possible. After the RIASEC test, there wasn’t anything that was surprising. However, the test result solidified my belief that I am definitely on the right track of my pursuit. When I inputted my code into O’Net, the occupation options are mostly hands on, like operators, testers and inspectors. Unfortunately, airline pilot was not up there, probably because it is less common.
As for my plan academically, I am a declared majored for aviation engineering, so I had a great first step. Class wise, I am expected to take private pilot ground school in OSU in 2017 Spring Semester. That will kick-start my official training as airline pilot. Hopefully at the very least, I can get my private pilot license before I graduate. I am also apart of numbers of organizations that are related to aviation, which are a very good way to begin building connection and networking. Overall, I do believe I have a clear goal for my career, and I am very pleased with my resource and my progress on my path right now.