

Chao Wang

Machine Learning, Data Mining and Bioinformatics

Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Ohio State University

340 Lincoln Tower
1800 cannon drive
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: (614)648-8858.

I hold a Ph.D. in the  Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University.

My research develops Machine Learning and Data Mining algorithms. My interests include integrative clustering algorithms based on multi-types big data and sparse feature selection in high dimensional data.


Ph.D. Computer Engineering, 2015, The Ohio State University, USA

Dissertation: Robust Cancer Patient Stratification using Multiple Omics Data and Tissue Morphology

Advisor: Prof. Kun Huang and Prof. Raghu Machiraju

M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2010, Dalian University of Technology, China

Thesis: Face Recognition Algorithms based on Manifold Learning

B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2007, Dalian University of Technology, China


Programming Languages: C/C++, Java, Python, Javascript
Operating Systems: Linux/Unix, Mac, Windows
Tools: Eclipse, Hive, Weka, ITK, Matplotlib, scikit-learn
Databases: SQL Server, MySQL
Numerical Analysis: R, MATLAB and SAS

Research Projects

Nov 2013 to 2015: Design and implement clustering algorithms for multimodality high-dimensional data.

Nov 2013 to 2015: Develop Graph-based classification of data for prediction (Java and R)

Nov 2013 to 2015: Lung cancer adenocarcinoma integrative classification based on genomic and morphology data.

Oct 2013 to Present: Unitary production and organization of excitatory neurons in the neocortex.

May 2013 to Sep 2013: Consensus clustering methods for breast cancer patient integrative stratification.

May 2013 to Oct 2013: Molecular Regularized Consensus Patient Stratification.

May 2013 to Oct 2013: Two Step consensus clustering algorithm for integration of multiple modality data.

Apr 2013 to Aug 2013: User-driven Graph based Visualization and Feature Selection. (Collaboration with Hao Ding)

Nov to May 2013: Image analysis for detection of extracellular RNAs in cancer (Collaboration with Yun Wu).

Jun 2012 to Jun 2013:Exploring unstructured phenotype sub-populations with graphs (Collaboration with Hao Ding).

May 2012 to Dec 2013: Identifying survival associated morphological features of triple negative breast cancer.

Jun 2011 to Jan 2012: Matrix Decomposition and its application in Microarray expression deconvolution using cell-type specific genes.

Jan 2009 to Dec 2009: Face recognition based on supervised manifold learning algorithms.

Nov 2007 to Jan 2009: Image segmentation filter for Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)

Nov 2007 to Jan 2009: Intelligent fault diagnosis system of vehicle engines. (Patent)

Nov 2007 to Feb 2008: Embedded System based Intelligent Tourist-Guide System.

Nov 2006 to May 2007: Simulation of communication in an intelligent transportation system.


2014 Pelotonia Fellowship, The Ohio State University.

2012 OSU-HHMI MED-into-Grad Fellowship, The Ohio State University.

2009 Best Graduate Thesis Award, Dalian University of Technology.

2007 Graduate Scholarship, to cover full tuition and stipend for the duration of M.S.

2007 Excellent Graduate Student of Dalian.

2007 First-class Scholarship for Excellent Graduate Student, top 2% in Dalian University of Technology.

2006 Top Prize in National English Contest for College Student, only 5 in Dalian University of Technology.

2006 University Comprehensive Scholarship, top 2% inDalian University of Technology.


  • Breast Cancer Patient Stratification using a Molecular Regularized Consensus Clustering Method. Wang C, Machiraju R, Huang K. Methods, 2014 . PDF
  • Cancer Patient Integrative Stratification via a Two-step Consensus Clustering of Molecular Expression and Clinical Attributes. Wang C, Machiraju R, Huang K. AMIA Summit of Translational Bioinformatics 2014 .
  • Identifying survival associated morphological features of triple negative breast cancer using multiple datasets. Wang C, Pecot T, Zynger D, Shapiro C, Machiraju R, Huang K. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) 20(4): 680-7, 2013. [IF: 3.609] PDF
  • Correlation between genomics and histology reveals cilium movement associated with lung adenocarcinoma morphology and survival. Wang C, Hongyuan Wang, Lin Yang, Huang K. In preparation.
  • Integrative Genomic Analysis Predicts Stub1 as a Cancer Cell Morphology Regulator Gene. Wang C, Machiraju R, Huang K. In preparation.
  • iGPSe: A Visual Analytic System for Integrative Genomic Based Cancer Patient Stratification . Ding H, Wang C, Huang K, Machiraju R. International Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) 2014.PDF
  • GRAPHIE: Graph based Histology Image Explorer. Ding H, Wang C, Huang K, Machiraju R. Accepted to BioVis 2015.
  • Detection of extracellular RNAs in cancer and viral infection via tethered cationic lipoplex nanoparticles containing molecular beacons. Wu Y, Kwak K J, Agarwal K, Marras A, Wang C, Mao Y, Huang X, Ma J, Yu B, Lee R, Vachani A, Marcucci G, Byrd J, Muthusamy N, Otterson G, Huang K, Castro C, Paulaitis M, Nana-Sinkam S P, Lee, L. Analytical Chemistry, 2013. [IF: 5.695] PDF
  • Regulation of 53BP1 protein stability by RNF8 and RNF168 is important for efficient DNA double-stranded break repair. Hu YH, Wang C, Huang K, Xia F, Parvin, J, Mondal, N. PLOS One 2014.PDF
  • Deterministic Progenitor Behavior and Unitary Production of Neurons in the Neocortex. Gao P, Postiglione M P, Krieger TG., Hernandez L, Wang C, Han Z, … Shi SH. Cell, 159(4), 775–788.PDF
  • Face Recognition Based on Gabor-Enhanced Manifold Learning and SVM. Wang C, Guo C. ISNN’10 Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Advances in Neural Networks, 2010. PDF


Graph Regularized Clustering based on Multi-source Data:

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