
Annotated Bibliography – Source 2

Yeager, A. (2019, May 1). Could AI Make Gene Editing More Accurate? Retrieved November 13, 2019, from

The source states that patterns in sequence repair allow scientists to accurately predict guide RNAs that will reproduce exact human mutations and could lead to the ability to cure or prevent genetic diseases. The author has cited several scholarly sources in their work. I chose this source because it strengthens my argument in that genetic engineering has benefits in pathology that should not be overlooked. This source was written quite recently, and reflects new and updated information in the field. I found this resource through Google Scholar and by inputting keywords such as “genetic” and “artificial” into my search. It is hosted by The Scientist, an online publication.

Annotated Bibliography – Source 1

Dickson, E. M. (1984). Comparing Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Engineering: Commercialization Lessons. AI Magazine5(4), 44–47. Retrieved from

The source states that the movement of artificial intelligence into the mainstream industry instead of just for research purposes is similar to that of the commercialization of genetic engineering. The author is a biological researcher, meaning that he is well-versed in the topics of genetic engineering as well as artificial intelligence. I chose this source because it shows the similarities and differences between the commercialization of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. This source covers the period of time in which artificial first began to bloom, but still holds relevant today since the comparisons remain generally true. I found this source through Google Scholar by limiting my search query to include keywords such as “genetic” and “artificial, as well as narrowing the date down to the more recent decades to reflect the development of the industry as a whole. This source is hosted by AI Magazine.

Expert Interview Answers

  1. Artificial intelligence is able to perform many jobs in the place of humans now, with even more accuracy than many humans do. This applies especially to low level jobs such as service workers, and even though skilled labor is affected, skilled workers are not impacted as much.
  2. Genetic engineering is being researched right now in labs, and it is projected that soon genetically engineered babies will be able to be made. This is just one step up from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), which already exist. However, this brings up many ethical concerns, which will be discussed later.
  3. As mentioned before, jobs that require a low skill level will be much more heavily impacted by artificial intelligence than jobs that require some sort of skill. This could increase unemployment, but it must also be taken into consideration that there must be people who operate these machines. Therefore, there is no saying what impact artificial intelligence will have on the working population in the long run. It could make things easier, or much harder.
  4. As mentioned before, genetic engineering technically already exists. Genetically modified organisms exist. However, it is much more of an ethical dilemma to genetically engineer a baby as opposed to, say, a plant (that we will end up consuming anyway). Genetic engineering of plants also helps the plant to be better and healthier as it grows, so it provides more nutrition to the consumer. Additionally, sometimes genetic engineering can modify a plant species so that it is less likely to be consumed by predators (for example, insect-resistant potato crops). When it comes to genetically modifying a baby, though, it is hard to determine whether it is really beneficial to the health of the baby. Obviously, if it’s to get rid of a disease, it’s probably a good thing. However, genetic modification could just as easily be used to create babies with different colored eyes or hair, which has little to no correlation with survival, and could be seen as unethical.


Artificial intelligence developed by programmers and medical researchers collectively has largely benefitted the medical field, allowing for medical procedures to be done more efficiently and with less risk.

Expert Interview Questions

  1. Can artificial intelligence overtake human jobs?
  2. What are the implications of artificial intelligence on genetic engineering?
  3. Is the use of artificial intelligence to perform human tasks damaging to the working population?
  4. Is genetic engineering ethical? What limits must be set with genetic engineering to make sure the technology is not taken too far?

Beth Black Reflection

From Beth’s presentation, I was able to learn about the variety of resources that Ohio State students have at their disposal. The library consists of a database in which students can use search functions to find scholarly papers and other resources that can help them in not only research but data, such as graphs, tables, figures, and/or images. This is important because knowing how to use the library to its fullest extent, and understanding all the resources it has to offer, helps students succeed academically. I will likely be using this information in my classes in the future, as many of them involve research and academic papers. Therefore, since I know how to properly search the database and use its features to their fullest extent, it will be easier for me to find sources efficiently.

3 Sources

Source 1:

Author: Edward M. Dickson

Title: Comparing Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Engineering: Commercialization Lessons


Source 2:

Author: Ashley Yeager

Title: Could AI Make Gene Editing More Accurate?


Source 3:

Author: Walter G. Johnson

Title: Where Genome Editing and Artificial Intelligence Collide


Potential Experts to Interview

  • My dad, Yongjian Wang, who works at a software engineering company and has experience with artificial intelligence as well as its parts. He also has studied the role software plays in aviation and transportation.
  • A family friend, Dr. Zhang, who studied neuroscience and now works as the head of a research lab at the University of Cincinnati. The focus of their lab is to use artificial intelligence to create medications that will cure certain genetic diseases as well as possibly improve medical procedures.

Interview Topic

My interview topic is going to be artificial intelligence, as I plan to minor in Computer Information Systems.