Capstone Introduction, Planning, and Methodology

For my STEM EE Scholars Second-Year Capstone, I have decided to get involved in undergraduate research. I have been interested in getting involved in research since coming to Ohio State, and this project provided the perfect opportunity to do so. As a pre-med student, it is to my advantage to begin undergraduate research as soon as possible. After many emails to many different professors, I chose to work in a lab studying the effects of green tea on intestinal health. There have been some articles published by various health websites regarding this, but there has been very little concrete research, and some examples can be found at the end of this post.

Since my schedule is already busy as it is, I somewhat struggled to work this into my weekly schedule. However, everything ended up working out and I will work at the lab every Tuesday morning during fall semester. For spring semester, I will reassess my availability at the beginning of spring semester and work research into my schedule once again. I plan to be involved in research for the duration of this year, and I would consider doing it next year as well.

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