
Module 7: Keys to motivation for online learning

The most useful thing I learned is that interruptions increase our error rate and that on average interruptions take 23 minutes and 15 seconds to recover from. I honestly never knew this before. Even if the interruption is brief it can still affect the quality of the work. This is definitely something to consider while working on something especially important and intricate.

One thing that I have already been practicing is using background noise. Sometimes I will turn on a playlist and listen to music while I’m working. I have a playlist just for doing homework. Other times I will turn on my white noise machine and that will help me focus and block out other sounds.

One thing that I can put to use in the future are the tips relating to emotional health. My emotions sometimes tend to get the best of me. When I am not in a good mood I am less inclined to do my school work and it is often harder for me to focus. Doing something such as meditating and getting in a quick exercise can help improve my mood.

The advice I would give to other students is that factors such as our mental health and emotional state can sometimes cause us to lose motivation. Trying different strategies to help minimize these effects can help and finding what works for you is important too. Using resources such as counseling that Ohio state has to offer and other programs can also be a big help to those who are struggling.

Module 6: Searching and Researching

The most useful thing I learned in this module is the difference between searching and researching. I never really thought that there was a distinction between the two, however, there is. Researching is looking at the quality of the information found and searching is simply finding information that fits a particular topic. It is a small distinction but an important one.

One thing I have already been utilizing is easybib to cite and store my sources. It is a very easy way to cite sources. I just type in the URL of the source and it will cite and save it for me. Sometimes it requires manual inputs for some information, but it is a fast way to properly cite sources in the right format.

One thing I can use in the future is Wikipedia. I have generally not really used Wikipedia because it is frowned upon by professors and teachers. However, it can be a good place to look for background information. The only thing to remember is to not use it as a source, but rather as a place to get general information and then use other sources to confirm it.

Some advice I would give to students is that if a website seems like it isn’t very reliable – it’s probably not. A simple google search is not always the best way to find reliable information. Especially today when there is so much information available on the web, not all of it is going to be accurate. Double-checking that a website is accurate is easy and important. Also, using the resources available at Ohio State’s library such as the database has helped me immensely with many different research essays.

Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies

One of the most useful things I learned this module was that typing out notes can actually be counterintuitive. I did not know that because I never realized that typing can cause you to possibly type too much, and therefore you stop forcing your brain to make distinctions between filler information and important points.

I have already been taking notes in a specific style for many years now. I have always tried to sort my notes out by important dates and points and then build off of that. Organizing my notes in that way makes it easy to go back and look at the important points.

Active listening is something I can put into practice in the future. While I do this, there is always room for improvement. And especially now that courses are completely online I have to find a way to summarize lectures more easily now that I don’t have a professor standing right in front of me.

I would tell students to learn what works for them in terms of note taking. Not everyone likes to take notes the same way, and not everyone will be able to understand the same methods of taking notes. It is different for everyone. There are many different ways to take notes and incorporating different methods that are right for you will help you be successful.

Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age Blog Post

The most useful thing I learned in this module was the use of google calendar. I have had a gmail account for years but I have never utilized the calendar function before. It really is very convenient. It is basically an online planner. I would definitely be more organized if I used it more often and thoroughly for deadlines and such.

One thing I have already been doing is breaking down large tasks. Many times I start essays in advance because I prefer to write a paragraph or two a day instead of spending hours on end writing several pages. Coming back and going over what I’ve already written also lets me see things with a fresh mind and even with a different perspective. I do the same for many projects. I try to break them down, spend a couple hours on it, then continue it at a later day. The key is starting early enough to be able to do that.

I can use google tasks in the future. Many times, especially during midterm and finals season, I find myself overwhelmed with tasks. Due dates and numbers seem to make my head spin. Having a list to see what I need to complete and by when will definitely help my anxiety. Sometimes it becomes too much to think about it. Organizing the assignments and being able to visualize the amount of work that has to be done makes it less stressful.

My advice to others is that breaking down large tasks actually does make it easier to begin an assignment because you’re not expecting yourself to finish all of it. I also think anyone who is in school, working, or just has a lot of stuff going on should use the tools that google provides such as google calendar and google tasks. Taking a course about online learning strategies and time management definitely does open your eyes to things you’ve not tried before and introduces you to different organizational methods. Choosing which one works for you is the easy part.


Module 2: Communicating And Collaborating

Something very useful in this module was the video explaining how to collaborate with peers in group projects, especially when they seem to not be doing their part. This advice can be used not only for group projects — but I can also apply it to how my housemates and I communicate both now and in the future. Often there are lots of dirty dishes and the trash isn’t taken out. I am not very good with confrontation. Being clear about our goals and roles at the beginning leaves less room for miscommunication. Assigning specific tasks to each person will keep our house clean and avoid unnecessary tension within the household. Instead of waiting around for someone to take charge, becoming the project manager and the one who enforces these rules is a good solution to many issues. I can use this advice for future jobs, projects, family, and living situations.

One thing in this module that I have already been doing is communicating in a respectful and proper way with my professors. I always start my emails or carmen messages with Good evening/Good afternoon Professor. I always use full sentences and proper punctuation. I usually also go back and check my grammar and spelling to avoid mistakes. The subject line is also important as well as including which class or homework assignment I am emailing them about. I also end my messages with a thank you every time.

What I would tell my peers is that communication is an absolutely essential tool that we use in our everyday lives. Learning to communicate properly with others and in different ways depending on who we are communicating with will make our lives so much easier. Taking the time to communicate properly will lead to less room for miscommunication and misunderstandings. Learning how to communicate properly and respectfully is worth the time it takes. Practicing good communication etiquette is a vital tool that will only stand to benefit you.