
Global Awareness:

Developing appreciation of diversity and individual differences.

To me, global awareness includes being open minded and expanding perspective on life by engaging with others who have different experiences and cultures. In addition, being involved in global events or traveling are good ways to have global awareness. I hope to participate in one of the many study abroad programs at Ohio State, or be involved in service where I can meet other people who have different, unique experiences than me that I can learn from.

Original Inquiry:

Understand and participate in the research process through scholar events, inquiry projects, and independent research.

Academic Enrichment:

Pursue and maintain good academic standing through rigorous course work and engaging in academic challenges beyond the classroom.

Leadership Development:

Development and demonstration of leadership skills.

Service Engagement:

Engaging in the community through service.

Service engagement is one of the things I value because it creates connections with people in the community, as well personal growth and more appreciation for the world and other individuals through giving back to others. While at Ohio State I plan to participate in service and volunteer, especially in hospitals as medicine is the field I hope to go into after college.