Collegiate QSO Party Recap

W8LT made a total of 94 contacts over the weekend of the 2021 Collegiate QSO Party. We made contacts with Costa Rica, Italy, and Slovenia on top of the usual domestic contacts.

an arm reaches towards one of the many radios stacked in the ham shack

Larry, Marcel, Victoria, Arthur, and Rocky volunteered their time to make this happen. Thank you for helping us keep the club going!

We will update everyone with results once scoring is completed. Looking to hold on to that top collegiate score spot!

Involvement Fair AU21

Handmade W8LT Poster with drawing of radio

Welcome back to OSU! Or welcome for the first time 🙂

Our officers and advisor were camped out on the Oval from 4-7 PM for the Fall Student Involvement Fair this past Sunday. It was searingly hot (and crowded) but completely worth it as we handed out fliers and showed off our radio setup.

We hope that incoming and returning students enjoyed the event and the opportunity to connect with all kinds of student orgs.

The involvement fair was just the start for us – Our club will be meeting bi-weekly (with some extra weekend dates) all semester! Future meetings are still being planned so we don’t overlap with other organization times. Our first meeting is fully planned and ready though! Join us on September 7 at 7 PM in Caldwell Laboratory Room 277.  We’ll give a small presentation to introduce the basics of Amateur Radio and what can be done with it. Additionally, we want to get to know all of you and find out what you want to do with the club this year!

Deep stands in front of table at involvement fair with antenna and solar panels next to them

Club officers wearing masks stand in front of table at involvement fair

Transmitter Hunt Recap

Had a great time at our first-ever transmitter hunt! With over a square mile to search, the 1st of 3 teams found the transmitter in just 20 minutes! All 3 teams found the transmitter within the hour, making this a very successful hunt!

Ham Exam Recap

Congratulations to our 10 newly-licensed hams! Tuesday’s exam session was a success, with 10 people passing their Technician exam. Looking forward to seeing some new faces in the hobby!

Transmitter Hunting Workshop Recap

We had an awesome Transmitter Hunting Workshop this Tuesday! After scouring The Oval for about an hour, we successfully found the transmitter, even with the pesky reflections from the nearby buildings. Looking forward to our full-scale hunt soon!

Antenna Building Workshop Recap

Congrats to our members on their successful antenna builds at Tuesday’s Antenna Building Workshop! Looks like we’re ready to go for our foxhunt this semester!

ElectroScience Lab Tour Recap

Shoutout to the folks at ESL for taking us on a tour of the anechoic chamber (and the rest of the building)! It was incredible to learn about the space where so many critical antennas have been tested, including NASA’s New Horizons probe!

Winter School Club Roundup Recap

Thanks for the amazing turnout at our 2019 Winter School Club Roundup! Congrats to Carmen, Deep, Jonah, and Mike for landing their first-ever QSOs!

Project Workshop Meeting Recap

Thanks to everyone for coming out to the meeting last night! It was fun having a more laid-back meeting, and we got into some great conversations about radio, electronics, and just college in general!

Ham Shack Tour Recap

Thanks to everyone who trekked out to Bevis Hall with us for a tour of the ham shack! We got to run through all of the equipment we have available to students, plus we ran through how to set the radio up and get on the air!