Welcome back to OSU! Or welcome for the first time 🙂
Our officers and advisor were camped out on the Oval from 4-7 PM for the Fall Student Involvement Fair this past Sunday. It was searingly hot (and crowded) but completely worth it as we handed out fliers and showed off our radio setup.
We hope that incoming and returning students enjoyed the event and the opportunity to connect with all kinds of student orgs.
The involvement fair was just the start for us – Our club will be meeting bi-weekly (with some extra weekend dates) all semester! Future meetings are still being planned so we don’t overlap with other organization times. Our first meeting is fully planned and ready though! Join us on September 7 at 7 PM in Caldwell Laboratory Room 277. We’ll give a small presentation to introduce the basics of Amateur Radio and what can be done with it. Additionally, we want to get to know all of you and find out what you want to do with the club this year!