Research Funding


  • Framework for Artificial Intelligence Trustworthiness in Human-Machine Delegation (FAITH-MD).  Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, $2,125,227, 2023-2027
  • Disrupting nursing education using extended reality (XR), artificial intelligence, and machine learning. American Nurses Foundation $1,499,779 2022 – 2025
  • Towards a Conversational Assistant for Patient Prep Ohio State University Accelerator Award $50,000 2022 – 2023
  • Provider’s Clinical Support System – Universities Grants (Virtual Patient with Opioid Use Disorder) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration $450,000 2019 – 2022
  • Improving patient safety using Virtual Reality (VR) to train and assess emergency personnel responding to a mass casualty incident (MCI). NIH Agency for Health Care Research and Quality $1,843,749 2018 – 2023
  • Framework for Artificial Intelligence Trustworthiness in Human-Machine Delegation (FAITH-MD). $2,125,227 Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, 2023-2027.


  • Artificial Intelligence based Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation of Provider-patient interaction to enhance cultural competency using a simulated patient with limited English proficiency. Medicaid Equity Simulation Project $683,225 2018 – 2020
  • Virtual Patients for Medication Assisted Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration (Supplement) $100,000 2018 – 2019
  • Using Automatically Generated Paraphrases and Discriminative ASR Training to Author Robust Question-Answering Dialogue Systems. National Science Foundation $499,904 2016 – 2021
  • Creating the Complete Virtual Standardized Patient: Integrating Natural Language Ability into Clinical Reasoning Cases to Assess Information Gathering and Clinical Reasoning. The Institute for Innovative Technologies in Medical Education/Med-U $24,250, 2015 – 2019
  • Virtual Patient Simulations to Assess Data Gathering and Clinical Reasoning National Board of Medical Examiners Edward J. Stemmler Education Research Fund, $149,862, 2012 – 2014
  • Virtual Patients in the 2012 Curriculum The Ohio State University College of Medicine Innovation Fund, $45,000 2011- 2013
  • Virtual Reality: A Unique Means to Teach the Reality of the Patient-Centered Medical Home. DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration, $ 1,465,655 2010 – 2015
  • Development of Virtual Patients using the Second Life platform. Perinatal Resources Inc, $30,000 2008-2011