From this guide, I hope readers learn about the Vietnamese boat people that they would be able to sustain a conversation about them on a somewhat simple level. They would know enough information to be able to get by in reading scholarly articles about these refugees as well as understand the context that surrounds these people. As I worked on my asset and annotations, I found my skills improving in creating the website and in finding articles and scholarly sources related to my topic. My abilities to use websites as a medium and researching increased to be better than what they were before. Though I saw my skills improve in website creation, it was still difficult to create my asset as for my asset each page had two choices the reader could make. These choices then led to different webpages each representing the next stage of the reader’s journey as a boat person refugee. The most difficult part of creating on the medium of my website has been this asset and making the many different webpages for the choices the reader makes for it. As more choices are made, there became more paths of possibility which is fine to work with up to a point until there became so many webpages then it became frustrating. On the more content part of the asset, I was inspired mostly by Priscilla Koh’s The Stories They Carried: Reflections of Vietnamese-Canadians 40 Years after That War since those were the most direct experiences I found from my sources.
I choose the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Creative Commons license because I think it would be really cool if someone ever used my work and I would like to know that they used it. I also don’t want it to be used commercially because I don’t think it would ever be used that way and I’m not giving them the opportunity. Besides that, I’m proud of what I’ve done and want people to use it as an actually reference that gets them into research of the Vietnamese boat people. It may not be the best but I just hope someone uses it with help on their research.