As the boat propels itself near the island, you a small boat rocket towards yours. Upon the craft are threatening men, Thai pirates.
They approach the boat and board with little effort and demand the possessions of those on board while pushing over supplies. You manage to conceal the bottle of shampoo in the underbelly of your shirt. As you are pushed back under deck, you suddenly feel a noxious dripping upon your head. You feel the the top of your hair with hand, bring it back down, and look at it. It’s diesel fuel knocked over from the pirates mucking about. Nasty, but fixable with your concealed shampoo.
The pirates leave taking a majority of the boat’s supplies. Though you are able to wash the diesel fuel from your hair and finally experience a measure of cleanliness. You hear the captain shout to the rest of the people and crew:
The ship is to turn around. There is too little supplies to make it to further across the sea. The boat is to return to Vietnam and no modicum of money or payment shall be returned.
You return home. Your ship has still been overturned. No more money is left. May have been the luck of the draw, but you could not escape.
Perhaps you could have done something different?