Research Interests
Comparative studies of the Renaissance, Renaissance English literature and politics; Golden Age Spanish literature; medieval and early modern Italy; books of chivalry; Shakespeare, drama, and theater communities; translation theory and history; imperialism and early modern empire; transnationalism; periodization; Quixoticism and the modern European novel; women’s studies
Projects and Publications
“‘De-Naturalizing’ Rape in Translation: Margaret Tyler’s Mirrour of Princely Deedes and Knighthood (1578).” Modern Language Studies 44.2 (Winter 2015): 10-27. Print.
“‘[C]arried away with the Myrrour of Knighthood’: The Lady Errant in Anti-Spanish Discourse of the Seventeenth Century.” New Ways of Looking at Old Texts: Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society, ed. Arthur Marotti. (forthcoming in 2017)
Edited Works
¿Qué Pasa, OSU?: The Magazine for Latino Scholarship and Community. 23.2 (Spring 2016). Print. (forthcoming)
¿Qué Pasa, OSU? 23.1 (Autumn 2015). Print.
¿Qué Pasa, OSU? 22.2 (Spring 2015). Print.
¿Qué Pasa, OSU? 22.1 (Fall 2014). Print.
Online edition of The Ivan S. Gilbert Collection of Stephens Family Travel Letters and Ephemera. Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscript Libraries. 2011. (co-Editor)
Other Publications
“Diversity and Net Neutrality: A Global Problem.” ¿Qué Pasa, OSU? 22.2 (Spring 2015): 15. Print.
“Pastoral Conventions in Shakespeare’s As You Like It.” OSU As You Like It: Designed to Supplement the OSU Teacher and Educators Study Guide for “As You Like It.” The Ohio State University. 2014. Online. <http://osuas>.
“Literary Travels and Translations: Cross-Nationalism and English Renaissance Literature.” ¿Qué Pasa, OSU? 21.1 (Fall 2013): 18-19. Print.