While most growers manage spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) with insecticide sprays once this pest is detected on their farm, there are other non-chemical ways to successfully grow cane berry and blueberry fruit using finely woven insect proof netting.
A workshop will be held on Oct. 13th to demonstrate the basics of designing and building an enclosure around susceptible small fruit plants and then covering it with insect proof netting to prevent SWD adults from attacking the fruit. The workshop will be co-taught by Jay Cooper (grower), Celeste Welty (Extension entomologist), Jim Jasinski and Ashley Kulhanek (Extension educators).
Topics covered in the workshop will include a review of other exclusion netting projects, plant and pollination considerations, a tour of an existing exclusion netting structure on-site, and then a hands-on session to experience the process of building a second exclusion netting structure.
The workshop will run from 10am to 2pm on Oct. 13th, located at 7010 Chatham Road, Medina, OH, 44256. Registration is $20 per person and includes handouts and lunch, but must be completed by Oct. 8th. For more information on the workshop and registration details, visit https://medina.osu.edu/events/managing-spotted-wing-drosophila.
Please note this workshop is limited to only 15 participants. For additional questions about registration contact Ashley Kulhanek (kulhanek.5@osu.edu) or for questions about the program contact Jim Jasinski (jasinski.4@osu.edu).