Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs Already Active

It’s that time of year when many pests become active and begin moving from their overwintering sites to crop fields. One of the pests we have been monitoring statewide over the past six years is the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB). This is a rather large brown mottled stink bug known to attack field crops, landscape and ornamental plants, and a wide array of fruit and vegetable crops including apples, peaches, caneberries, blueberries, grapes, beans, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, and many more crops.

Brown marmorated stink bug, adult female; note the distinctive white bands on the antennae.

Brown marmorated stink bug, nymphs, feeding through husks of sweet corn.

In our pheromone trapping program in Ohio since 2011, we have typically geared up for trapping this pest in early June and finished in September, but as part of a large multi-state research project this year, we established monitoring sites by early April in several central and southwest counties using two different style traps; the traditional black pyramid and a new clear panel sticky trap. Both traps use a dual pheromone lure that is quite attractive to both male and female adults as well as to nymphs of BMSB. The study is designed to compare one type of trap to the other in terms of catch efficiency, and to determine when the BMSB become active and leave their overwintering locations in nearby woods to move into adjacent fields. So far we’ve been catching male and female BMSB in Franklin, Greene, and Clinton counties since mid April.


New clear sticky panel trap for BMSB.

Traditional pyramid style BMSB trap.

Even though we haven’t seen much injury from BMSB in fruit and vegetable crops in most Ohio locations over the past few years, it is possible that the overwintering survival rate of the stink bugs is higher this year due to the mild winter.  It would be prudent for growers to keep a close eye out for this particular pest in 2017. For more information about the biology and management of this pest, visit


5 thoughts on “Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs Already Active

  1. Have been finding 2-3 stinkbugs indoors weekly since last fall. Any good ideas on how to get rid of these persistent little critters?

    • Hi Jack,

      No, nothing out of the ordinary to do except sweep them up and toss them outside. They get active and want to go out anyway so you’re just helping them accomplish that task!

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