web-enhanced reading strategies

During module four, week four, we learned about web-enhanced reading strategies. Web-enhanced reading strategies are an important topic because you never realize how reading and retaining information are the basic building blocks of college success. With that being said, forming and using strategies can be crucial to accomplishing your dreams and goals. In module four, One of the strategies we discussed was SQ3R, an acronym for Skim, Question, 1R- Read, 2R- Recite, 3R- Review. Using the SQ3R strategy will guarantee three things. A better understanding of the material at hand. A high chance of retaining information for a more extended time and improving test scores and confidence. The SQ3R strategy is a blessing in disguise for all college and pre-professional students. However, it does require some work, such as staying focused, not procrastinating, and being self-motivated. Some valuable tips for the SQ3R strategy if you are not a strong reader could be breaking down your reading portions by paragraphs or using a five to two reading to break ratio, just reading for five-minute increments and taking a two-minute break after each five minute session until finished. Furthermore, during your two-minute break, allow yourself to breathe and relax. Also, do not forget to reward yourself during your two-minute break. Simple rewards such as checking your phone and standing up to stretch your legs will be beneficial to finishing out your assignment. To all the readers, you got this, and good luck!

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