The Illuminati

by Kayla Nist

During the Enlightenment period in Bavaria, a new secret society was started, called the Illuminati. The goal was to promote the ideas of Enlightenment with the societal elite. The group opposed the Catholic Church’s control over society’s view and promoted the idea of women as equals, and enlightening the minds of citizens and reduce them from being oppressed by the state (1). Once the group began, it grew quickly and spread across Europe. This rapid growth was also noted as the society’s downfall (1). After secret societies were banned in the 1780s, the Illuminati was considered part of the illegal organization, the Freemasonry (1). It is said that there are numerous surviving organizations that are descendants of the Illuminati, but these findings seem to be ambiguous (1). The conspiracy falls in people believing that the Illuminati survived its suppression and were responsible for the French Revolution (2). The Illuminati has surfaced recently as having ties to the assassination of JFK (2). It has also been brought up in many books and movies in pop culture. Many people believe in this secret society as the idea that there is a possibility for secret societies to have a hand in power (2). The Illuminati is extraordinary because of the questions surrounding it. There are so many conspiracy theories surrounding the group which makes them extraordinary.

There is no evidence showing that the group survived it’s collapse after the Enlightenment period (2). Given that there is no evidence, it doesn’t seem plausible that the group could still be around today, interfering with modern day events. The Illuminati is different from other conspiracies, however, because the believers always think there is something up with everything that happens (3). There is no evidence to prove one way or another that it exists or doesn’t or if the believers’ beliefs are true.

In today’s society, people need an explanation for why things happen. When something bad happens without explanation, people seek an explanation in other areas to find a “why”. Personally, I don’t think that the people who believe that the Illuminati are misinformed, but they might be misinterpreting the information presented to them. The believers are looking for a higher reason for why/how things/events happen. They look for an explanation for things happening and think secret societies are pulling the strings so they must be responsible for things.

The believers come from all social groups. They are intelligent people. The media plays a big role in encouraging their belief in the Illuminati. I feel like social media websites, like Twitter and Facebook, play a big role in encouraging these beliefs. There are many threads and groups that people can join and be exposed to these ideas that make up the basis for the belief to start and get stronger.

The Illuminati is a secret society that was established during the Enlightenment period. While it is said to be diminished, many believe that it is still around today. Many people still believe that the secret society is still around today and controls many events in society. They believe that the Illuminati holds a great deal of power. They use the belief in the group as an explanation for many things that happen in society.



5 thoughts on “The Illuminati

  1. An old friend of mine used to be totally obsessed with the Illuminati. He was a huge conspiracy theorist and followed things like Anonymous. There are a lot of theories that have the Illuminati as a driving force behind them. It is interesting how a lot of believers are intelligent. I feel like the group is seen as very intelligent as well.

  2. I just find it so hilarious how people think that an organization so secret and powerful would even bother leaving hints or sign of their activity anywhere. What would be the point other than to show off how confident you are? Which is pointless in the context of their goals. I just like this conspiracy for the jokes it can produce and the possible National Treasure movies that can come from it.

  3. I think what Thang said brings up a really good point, if this organization is so secret and powerful you think that they would be smart enough so that the public doesn’t speculate. I also think that its very interesting to see that people of all cultures believe in this theory even though the evidence is lacking and their is no fact to follow it up.

  4. I found this post super interesting, and I learned some things about the Illuminati that I didn’t know! I like how you pointed out that these people are actually pretty intelligent people who just have an extraordinary belief. A lot of times people think believers are just mindless, unintelligent people. I also think it’s funny that people think the Illuminati has signs everywhere and hints to its existence, yet is so secretive.

  5. I never knew the history behind the Illuminati, so that was really cool to read about. I really do think people only believe in this conspiracy now is to feel some sense of control and have explanations for why things happen. People do not do well when they cannot explain things and strive for understanding making this belief the perfect solution.

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