Year In Review

Year 2

This year at Ohio State was incredibly important for me. First semester, I made the decision to switch from pre-med to pre-physical therapy. Physical therapy is a field I’ve always been interested in, and deciding to pursue it has been very exciting. I had been unsure of what I wanted my future career to look like, but now that I have chosen physical therapy, I feel like I have a clearer path. In addition, I was given the opportunity to work on a grant in my research lab during second semester to develop a new method for cancer drug screening as opposed to using mice. Being able to work towards a goal in the lab instead of just learning techniques has been such an amazing learning experience because I feel like now I have been able to really contribute something to the lab. I spent time this semester reading literature and planning experiments that would contribute to the overall success of the grant, which was very rewarding. This is a project I hope to continue working on in the fall.

Year in Review

Semester 1 Review

Over the course of this semester, I feel as though I have gained a lot of valuable skills that will support me throughout my academic career. College has been a big adjustment, and one of the biggest adjustments for me was simply learning how to study better. I tried a lot of different methods and feel as though I have finally been able to determine which strategies work best for me. In addition to better studying habits, I have also learned how to manage my time better in order to study, get all my work done, and still have time to relax. In addition to skills I have developed on my own, Scholars has helped me to grow this semester as well. Through this program, I have been able to become friends with people who have similar interests as me, as well as connect with professionals in the fields I want to pursue. Scholars has given me plenty of opportunities that would have been difficult for me to find on my own had I not been a part of this program. Overall, this semester has made me look forward even more to what the next few years will bring for me as a member of the Biological Sciences Scholars program at Ohio State!