Humans of OSU: Alex Parquette

img_2281“At first, I struggled a lot with my family not understanding why I was vegan. Sometimes, I still struggle explaining to people why it is important to be friendly to the living things around us, because some people just believe that eating animal products is the circle of life, and thus it is natural. It’s especially hard since the sharing and offering of food is a sign of communion and friendship, and if I can’t accept that food because of my lifestyle choice, it could be mistaken as a sign that I’m not open to that friendship, which is never the case. I’ve learned the importance of respecting other people’s beliefs and that you can’t change everyone’s mind about veganism. You can only follow your own beliefs and hope others will be curious, learn, and follow your example. I hope that in the future, though, we can all have more friendly diets.”


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