Welcome to Uzbekistan! In this module, we will be learning about this fascinating and diverse country in the center of Asia.
History (Tarix)
In part one, we will learn about the history of Uzbekistan. This section can be used for achieving Social Studies standards pertaining to Global History, World Geography, the History of Religions and others.
Food (Ovqat)
In part two, we will learn about some of the traditional foods of Uzbekistan.
Music (Musiqa)
In part three, we will learn about Uzbek popular music and the traditional music of Uzbekistan.
Language (Til)
In part four, we will learn some basic Uzbek phrases and learn a bit about the Uzbek language.
Nature (Tabiat)
In part five, we will learn about nature in Uzbekistan and how climate change is affecting the country today. This section can supplement the fulfillment of Social Studies Contemporary World Issues and World Geography standards as well as the Environmental Science Earth’s Resources and Global Environmental Problems and Issues standard.
Sports (Sport va Sportchilar)
Sports are an important part of any culture! In this section, we will learn about some of Uzbekistan’s traditional sports as well as about famous Uzbek sportsmen.
Tourism (Sayohat)
In part seven, we are going to learn about tourism and how you can travel to Uzbekistan.
How to Use This Module
This module presents a broad overview of Uzbekistan and Uzbek culture. Each section has three parts: a main text, suggested learning activities, and a further references section. In the main text, we introduce you to each topic. These texts can be used as homework reading or adapted for classroom presentation. The suggested learning activities sections present ways for students to engage with the material on their own and play a more active role in the learning process. The further references sections list useful links and direct you toward further resources on each topic.
About the Authors
Henry Misa is a history PhD student at the Ohio State University specializing in Central Asian Environmental History. Please reach out to him over email ( if you have any questions about these materials or how to use them in the classroom setting.
Alisher Khaliyarov is a doctoral candidate at the Ohio State University specializing in the economic history of Early Modern Central Asia. His research focuses on the history of the Khanate of Khiva and the role of cash waqf in economic history.
Dr. Madina Djuraeva is a Researcher of Critical Applied Linguistics at WIDA (World Instructional Design and Assessment) housed in the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. Her research projects focus on bi/multilingualism, education, and migration in the Central Asian and North American contexts.
*Banner image of Samarqand, Uzbekistan by Abdullah Aydin from Unsplash