Searching and Researching

When it comes to trying to find sources for an academic paper, it can be very confusing and overwhelming to try and get started. So many different websites, webpages, and information that can dictate the route that your paper will go. When I write academic papers, I try to use only peer reviewed articles because I know that the quality and credibility of the article will be up to par with the quality of paper that I am trying to write. When you do not use sources that are credible, you run the risk of ruining your paper because of the untrue information that is cited inside of it.

Using Wikipedia is a great way to get started when writing a paper. But, always remember that Wikipedia cannot be an actual cited source. Going through Wikipedia can help to get you to better understand the subject that you are about to write about and then take that newly found information and apply to other sources that will help dive deeper into the subject.

Writing academic papers can be difficult, but getting started off write with good sources will help to make the words flow much easier, helping to simplify the paper writing process. Through using the right sources and correctly using Wikipedia for an efficient jump off point, searching, researching, and paper writing will go much easier.

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