
  1. KEEN (Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network) Implementation into the First Year Engineering curriculum and beyond: Aiding the Engineering Education Department in transforming a traditional ENGR 1182 design-build course to include a more open-ended front end phase of opportunity identification experience to instill Entrepreneurial Minded Learning (EML) objectives. Also supporting faculty champions in identifying prospective courses within major tracks to incorporate EML into, including the Mechanical Engineering 2900 Intro to Design Course.
  2. SIEC – Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council: Creating a space for student leaders of Innovation and Entrepreneurship on campus to engage in building meaningful relationships, share best practices, and form collaborative initiatives to promote a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation on campus. Also working towards a streamlined resource to promote widespread awareness of organizations, events, and Columbus professional networks for OSU student body to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship.
  3. IRIS – Interdisciplinary Resource for Innovative Students: A grassroots movement started to promote a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration as a means to innovation. A student organization that builds a community around the shared values of human-centric design and creative confidence. Puts on design sprint workshops and events with Columbus company’s Innovation and User Experience Design teams.
  4. Buckeye Student Entrepreneurial Accelerator: Designing a 12 week accelerator program for Ohio State student startups which have early market validation – to help them refine their value proposition and business model in order to scale their venture. Connecting the student teams to mentorship, workshop curriculum and limited funding.
  5. Corporate Engagement Strategic Plan: Sending a representative to voice the student perspective to the university’s strategic planning process on corporate engagement. Advocating for corporate relations that support experiential and multidisciplinary project based learning, as well as more streamlined opportunities to connect interested students to internships.
  6. Innovative Spaces: Working with campus stakeholders to identify spaces on campus that can be modified and renovated as spaces for students and student teams to do ideation and rapid prototyping.