Program Compliance Requirements

Program Compliance Requirements Overview

Students enrolled in the College of Nursing are required complete program compliance requirements. Deadlines for each requirement is specific to the student’s program, curriculum plan, and mode of instruction. For an overview of compliance requirements, please visit the compliance website.  A student will be considered non-compliant if one or more of the requirements are unfilled.  Non-compliant students will be removed from courses in their second semester in the program.

Program Compliance Overview:

  • Program compliance requirements must be completed by stated deadlines and according to submission instructions.  Please visit the compliance website for specific deadlines and instructions.
  • Office of Student Affairs will send notifications to students considered non-compliant or at-risk of becoming non-compliant. The at-risk status indicates a requirement will be expiring in the near future.  Upon receiving notification, students are expected to take immediate action.
  • Students can verify their compliance status by logging onto the College of Nursing Student Beacon.