Path2BSN Progression Requirements
In addition to the progression policies listed in this handbook, participants in the Path2BSN program must meet the following requirements:
- Maintain a CPHR of 2.75 or higher, and
- Remain in good academic standing for progression at the ADN program and Ohio State,
Progression in the College of Nursing, RN to BSN Program
All required nursing courses must be completed with a “C” or better in order to pass the course. Students may not take another course in the program if prerequisite requirements are not met. An incomplete grade does not meet the prerequisite requirement.
Program compliance requirements must be met to progress to the second semester of core nursing classes.
At the end of each semester, the Undergraduate Studies Committee reviews the academic progress of undergraduate students. For students in academic difficulty, the action taken by this committee is governed by two sets of policies–those of the university and those of the College of Nursing. Any academic action (university academic warning or academic probation) is based upon the cumulative point-hour ratio for the entire time a student is enrolled at Ohio State.
To remain in good standing in the university, a student must maintain a point-hour ratio of at least 2.00. Deficiency points are applied only to the records of students whose point-hour ratio is below 2.00 and are defined as the number of credit points a student would have to earn to bring her or his point-hour ratio up to that level [Faculty Rule 3335-9-23 Minimum scholastic requirements].
As stated in Faculty Rule 3335-9-25(B), “if at any time the preparation, progress, or success of a student in an academic program is determined to be unsatisfactory, the college or school in which the student is registered shall be empowered to place the student on academic probation.”
Students are notified in writing of being placed on probation by special action. Special action probation alerts the student to the need for improved achievement in the area(s) of deficiency in order to continue in the program.
Students will be placed on probation by special action in the College of Nursing for the following:
- A cumulative point-hour ratio below a 2.00.
- If a grade of “C-,” “D+,” “D,”, “E”, or “U” is earned in one required course in the nursing major during a semester; and students will be required to repeat the course(s) or an equivalent course accepted by the college, with a grade of “C” or better
- Two withdrawals from the same required course in the nursing major (Required courses: All required courses in Nursing)
- Two withdrawals within one calendar year from required courses in the nursing program with unsatisfactory academic performance.
Students on probation in the College of Nursing are restricted to enrolling for no more than 16 credit hours per semester during the warning or probationary term. Students on warning or probation may be required to meet with the Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee. Additional conditions and/or restrictions may be specified. Once you are placed on probation within the College of Nursing, you will remain on probation until graduation.
Students will be on probation for the remaining duration of the student’s time in the program. The Undergraduate Studies Committee reviews the records of students on probation by special action on a term basis.
Disenrollment from the College of Nursing
Students may be disenrolled from the College of Nursing for any of the following reasons:
- Lack of progress evidenced by:
- two or more grades below “C” (2.00) in required nursing courses during the program and/or
- two or more withdrawals from required nursing courses and/or
- failure to earn a cumulative point-hour ratio above a 2.00 or above and/or
- failure to meet the conditions of probation and/or earning a grade below “C” along with two withdrawals from required nursing courses.
Students disenrolled from the College of Nursing have the option to transfer to another academic unit if their academic standing in the university is satisfactory. Students may petition for reinstatement to the college after one academic term. A petition is submitted to the Undergraduate Studies Committee and should include strategies for academic success. The Undergraduate Studies Committee will review and approve or deny the petition.
Leave of Absence from the College of Nursing
Once enrolled in nursing courses students are expected to complete the nursing curriculum in a timely and sequential manner. A deviation from the nursing curriculum must be approved by the Undergraduate Studies Committee. Upon return to nursing courses the student will be required to meet with an academic advisor to develop a plan for re-entry and submit a petition to the Undergraduate Studies Committee for approval. A re-entry plan is approved based on enrollment size and course availability.
Withdrawal from the College of Nursing
Students wishing to withdraw from the College of Nursing should see their academic advisor about the intent to withdraw.
Any student wanting to request a modification in the required program of study must submit a petition form to the Undergraduate Studies Committee. Petition forms for various purposes can be obtained through Nursing website. The student may wish to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor prior to submitting the petition. Petitions must be submitted at least one week before meetings of the Undergraduate Studies Committee where petitions are considered. A student will usually be informed in writing of the decision regarding a petition within two weeks after the request has been reviewed by the Undergraduate Studies Committee. This letter will be sent to his or her Buckeye Mail, the e-mail system for students. (See “Petition Guidelines” for detailed instructions.)
Warning and Dismissal
3335-9-23 Minimum scholastic requirements.
(A) Rules 3335-9-23 to 3335-9-28 of the Administrative Code shall apply only to undergraduate students (as defined in rule 3335-9-01 of the Administrative Code). The academic standards controlling warning, probation, and dismissal of professional and graduate students shall be established by rule of the faculties of the college in which the professional student is registered, or of the graduate school if the student is a graduate student; provided, however, that an undergraduate professional student shall not be dismissed from the university unless he or she has first been placed on probation following his or her most recent past quarter, semester, or term of enrollment.
(B) Application of rule to transfer students. For the purpose of this rule the point-hour ratio of a transfer student from another university, who is admitted to advanced standing in this university shall be computed only upon work done at this university.
(C) Requirements and definition. A cumulative point-hour ratio (see rule 3335-8-26 of the Administrative Code) of at least 2.00 is required for graduation (see rule 3335-9-30 of the Administrative Code). Students below a 2.0 will remain eligible to enroll at the university, subject to the terms of their probation, as long as they have not been academically dismissed. Deficiency points are applied only to the records of students whose cumulative point-hour ratio is below 2.00 and are defined as the number of credit points a student would have to earn to bring his or her cumulative point-hour ratio up to that level. Deficiency points may be calculated by subtracting the total number of credit points earned from twice the total number of credit hours attempted for which calculable grades (“A,” “A-,” “B+,” “B,” “B-,” “C+,” “C,” “C-,” “D+,” “D,” “E,” or “EN”) were given.
(Board approval dates: 6/4/2004, 6/7/2005, 4/4/2014)
3335-9-24 Academic warning.
(A) Any student who has never attended another college or university and who seeks to enroll as a new freshman in this university shall be placed on special warning when his or her application for admission is received and processed if his or her academic credentials indicate the probability of low achievement. The student shall be so informed before final registration and the payment of fees are completed, except as provided in rule 3335-9-27 of the Administrative Code. The fact that special warning has been given shall be made known to the office of the college or school to which the student seeks admission.
(B) If, at the end of his or her first semester, summer term, or session, a student subject to the provisions of rule 3335-9-23 of the Administrative Code has earned a point-hour ration below 2.00, he or she may receive a warning from the dean of his or her college or director of his or her school instead of being placed on probation.
(Board approval dates: 6/22/2012, 4/4/2014)
3335-9-25 Academic probation.
(A) Any student whose cumulative point-hour ratio has fallen below a 2.00 shall be placed on probation. The probation shall continue provided the student’s college considers the student’s progress to be satisfactory and shall be removed when the cumulative point-hour ratio has reached a 2.0. The student shall be notified of probationary status by the dean of the college or the director of the school in which the student is registered, except as provided in rule 3335-9-27 of the Administrative Code. Such notification shall include a clear statement of what shall be considered to be satisfactory progress.
(B) Probation by special action. If at any time the preparation, progress, or success of a student in an academic program is determined to be unsatisfactory, the college or school in which the student is registered shall be empowered to place the student on academic probation. An undergraduate student admitted with conditions and who has not satisfied the conditions after earning thirty semester credit hours through regular course enrollment at this university shall be placed on probation.
(Board approval dates: 6/4/2004, 6/7/2005, 6/22/2012, 4/4/2014)
3335-9-26 Academic dismissal.
If the student’s college or school considers a student’s progress as unsatisfactory in meeting the conditions placed on his or her probation, the college or school shall be empowered to dismiss the student from the university. An exception to this authority for undergraduate professional students shall be in accordance with paragraph (A) of rule 3335-9-23 of the Administrative Code. Notice of the dismissal shall be sent to the student by the dean of the college or the director of the school in which the student was registered for the semester, summer term, or session, except as provided in rule 3335-9-27 of the Administrative Code. No student shall be subject to academic dismissal unless he or she is currently on probation.
(Board approval date: 5/14/2010)
3335-9-27 Notice of dismissal.
Notice of dismissal from the university shall be sent by the dean of the college in which the dismissed student is registered.
3335-8-27.1 Grade Forgiveness Rule
Undergraduate students may petition the authorized representative of the dean or director of their enrollment unit to repeat a course and, after completing the course the second time, have the original course credit and grade excluded from the calculation of the student’s cumulative point-hour ratio, but remain on the student’s official permanent record. This action will be subject to the following conditions:
- Permission to apply this rule must be obtained by the second Friday of the semester or summer term (the second Friday of a session during autumn or spring semesters, or a summer session; or the first Friday of a May session) in which the repeated course is taken.
- The same course may be repeated only once under this rule.
- This rule may be applied for a maximum of three courses.
Please note: While we will honor this policy in the College of Nursing, it does not supersede or replace our progression policy. Any grade earned in a required course still applies.
Procedures for Notifying Students of Changes in Program Policies
Program policies are reviewed annually and modified for the incoming class. Upon admission to the program all students receive a link to the student handbook with policies and procedures that are applied while a student is enrolled in the program.
Students will be notified of changes to program policies by the Office of Student Affairs. All nursing students will receive notification of changes to program policies to their OSU email address. Student handbooks available in electronic format on the student web site will be updated immediately. Program policy changes made during the academic year will include an effective date and indicate if the change impacts currently enrolled students. No program policy changes will be implemented retroactively that could negatively impact student progression or program completion.
Academic Success Resources
Online/Class Conduct
Honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility are expected student behavior. For online exams and quizzes, it is expected that students not share test questions, answers or exam related material. Students found to be in violation may be reported to the Committee on Academic Misconduct.
Accommodation of Students with Disabilities
Students requesting accommodation for disability for classroom needs are responsible for notifying the course head by the end of the first week of the semester to discuss specific needs. Self-identification is the only way to assure that the faculty member can make the appropriate accommodation. Students should provide a letter from the office of Disability services (098 Baker Hall, 113 W. 12th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210; (614) 292-3307; VRS: (614)429-1334 ) ) to verify the disability. More information about Disability Services at Ohio State.