Students must complete the total number of clinical/lab/simulation hours, as outlined in the course syllabus, to successfully complete the course. Make-up experiences are contingent on the percentage time of absence from clinical/lab/simulation and the availability of resources. Review the Clinical/Lab/Simulation Attendance policy in the handbook.
Students who wish to request being excused from a required clinical or lab experience must:
- Notify the clinical/lab/simulation instructor and the clinical unit (for preceptor-based courses) prior to the scheduled clinical/lab/simulation time.
- Assume responsibility for negotiating a plan with the course faculty for making up the absence. Accommodations are not necessarily able to be guaranteed within the time-period of the course and are contingent on resource availability, as follows:
- Missing 16% of clinical/lab/simulation or less: Make-up accommodations for absences only may be offered for up to 16% of the total clinical hours/semester. These opportunities will be scheduled outside of a student’s regularly-scheduled clinical/lab/simulation time, and will be based on availability of faculty, availability for clinical/lab/simulation space, and timing left in the semester. An explanatory statement for absence from class/clinical form may be requested by faculty.
- Missing more than 16% of clinical/lab/simulation hours: Missing more than 16% of the clinical/lab/simulation experiences due to absence may result in a grade of “Incomplete” for the course, or in a need for the student to withdraw from the course. A grade of Incomplete can be given by the instructor if the student is otherwise in satisfactory academic progression in the course; i.e., is passing both the didactic and clinical/lab/simulation portions of the course at the time of the absence, and there is high confidence that the student can satisfactory complete the remaining coursework at a later time point. The hours and timing of the work required to complete the remaining coursework will be determined by the course faculty in consultation with the student. In instances in which it may be infeasible for the student to make up missing clinical/lab/simulation hours, such as may occur with extensive amounts of missed clinical/lab/simulation time, the student may be advised by the course faculty to withdraw from the course.