At the end of each semester, the Undergraduate Studies Committee reviews the academic progress of undergraduate students. For students in academic difficulty, the action taken by this committee is governed by two sets of policies–those of the university and those of the College of Nursing.
Any academic action (university academic warning or academic probation) is based upon the cumulative point-hour ratio for the entire time a student is enrolled at Ohio State (including pre-HWIH and HWIH course work). To remain in good standing in the university, a student must maintain a point-hour ratio of at least 2.00. Deficiency points are applied only to the records of students whose point-hour ratio is below 2.00 and are defined as the number of credit points a student would have to earn to bring her or his point-hour ratio up to that level [Faculty Rule 3335- 9-23 Minimum scholastic requirements].
The College of Nursing upholds the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a law that protects the privacy of student education records. For more information about FERPA and the release of information please contact the Office of Student Affairs.