Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

Students requesting accommodation for disability for classroom needs are responsible for notifying the course head by the end of the first week of the semester to discuss specific needs.  Self-identification is the only way to assure that the faculty member can make the appropriate accommodation.  Students should provide a letter from the Office for Disability 098 Baker Hall, 113 W. 12th Avenue; (614) 292-3307; VRS: (614) 429-1334) to verify the disability.

Students needing accommodation for temporary physical disabilities or health related reasons should contact the course head in order to discuss placement options.  Students must be able to perform all job functions as required by the clinical placement site.  Students may be asked to provide the course head with a letter from their physician indicating physical restrictions or limitations.

Students with permanent or long-term physical disabilities should self-identify at the time of application to the major or as soon as the disability becomes known to the student.