Course Descriptions


HW 2102: Evidence-based Strategies to Optimize Personal Health, Happiness and Well-being (3 hours)
This course applies evidence-based concepts and strategies to manage stress through cognitive-behavioral skills building. Strengthen resiliency, set goals, problem solve and engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors to improve personal health, happiness and well-being.

HW 2200: Introduction to Health Literacy (3 hours)
This course introduces students to health literacy principles, practices, and skills. Students will examine the role of health literacy in facilitating effective communication with patients, clients and the public. The course will provide opportunities for students to learn and demonstrate best practices of health literacy to improve the health and well-being of patients, clients and the public.

BUSMHR 2500 Foundations of Entrepreneurship (3 hours)

This foundations course is designed (1) to provide students with an introductory understanding of the concepts and theory associated with entrepreneurship and (2) to help students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to start a new business venture. Students learn the basic theories used to explain and to understand entrepreneurial activity, which prepares them to begin critical thinking and strategic analysis of their own entrepreneurial ideas.

HDFS 2400 Life Span Human Development 

Survey of human development across the life span directed toward an applied understanding of the individual and forces that shape development.

HUMNNTR 2310 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3 hours)

This course discusses nutrient and energy needs of the human biological system throughout the life cycle including energy balance with consideration of socio-psychological factors.

*2410 Science of Human Nutrition can also be taken in place of HUMNTR 2310.

HUMNNTR 2410 Science of Human Nutrition (4 hours)

Basic principles of biological science, emphasizing the interaction between nutrients and physiological (including cellular) processes.

HW 2210: Dimensions of Wellness & Resilience (3 hours)
This course provides an overview of the science of behavior change, dimensions of wellness, resilience concepts and professional role development.   

HW 2220: Wellness in Chronic Conditions (4 hours)
This course introduces the impact of chronic conditions on the health of individuals and populations and includes exploration of innovative disease prevention programs. Includes integration of health coaching strategies and health literacy issues in clients with chronic conditions and related, common medications.

NURSING 2367  Writing About Healthcare Issues in the United States (3 hours) 

This course is designed to enhance students’ critical and analytical reading and writing skills through a study of current health issues in the United States.

Note this course cannot count as both a GE and an embedded literacy.

HW 2780: Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice (3 hours)

This course will provide an introduction to information literacy, research methods and evidence based practice as they relate to health promotion.

PUBHLTH 2010: Introduction to Global Public Health (3 hours)*

This course provides a basic introduction to global public health concepts and practice, examining the philosophy, purpose, history, organization, functions, tools, activities, and results of public health practice at the global, national, state, and community levels. This course makes evident the role public health plays in all of our lives, reflects upon the monumental strides in health and
well-being over the past century, and presents the pressing global concerns of the twenty-first century. Also explored are potential public health careers and further education in this interdisciplinary field of study.

*PUBHHBP 3510 can also be taken in place of PUBHLTH 2010.

SOCIOL 3306: Sociology of Poverty (3 hours)

This course is the study of low-income peoples, especially concerning the effect of poverty on them, and their consequent social participation.

NURSING 4150: Epidemiology Concepts in Nursing and Global Healthcare (2 hours)

This course is an introduction to epidemiology concepts as applied in nursing and global health and healthcare. Emphasis on clinical applications of concepts. Includes interpretation and evaluation of evidence for application in nursing and global health in relation to epidemiology design and analysis.


Students should exit the sophomore year with the requisite knowledge and skills to provide basic health promotion to various populations. Specifically, students are expected to be able to:
• Describe the meaning of health promotion, the roles and responsibilities of professionals, including collaborating with others and effecting political change.
• Take responsibility and accountability for one’s own actions as a student and a future professional.
• Describe professional values and value-based behaviors that are important in health promotion practice.
• Describe normal human physiology processes related to disease and injury that are utilized in health promotion practice.
• Explain theories and concepts of behavior.
• Identify environmental factors that influence the delivery of health promotion.
• Understand the role of critical thinking in solving problems.



HW 3230: Coaching for Health Improvement (3 hours)
This course explores theories, typical strategies and coach-client relationship principles defined by the International Coaching Federation and National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching used in health coaching to promote effective and sustainable behavior change. 

HW 3430: Integrating Culture in Healthcare (3 hours)
This course provides an introduction to concepts and techniques for the provision of culturally sensitive care within the U.S. and across global contexts.

HW 3240: Health Program Planning and Evaluation (3 hours)
The social, educational and behavioral foundations of health promotion programming and methods for evaluation will be covered. Skills to conduct needs assessment, program planning and implementation, and process, impact and outcome evaluations will be developed.

HW 3220: Health Promotion Strategies for People with Chronic Conditions (3 hours)
This course examines innovative models across the continuum of care designed to positively affect the health of individuals and populations with chronic conditions. Evaluates the roles of health coaching and its role in patient and client care. 

HW 3490: Technology Based Health Promotion Strategies (3 hours)
This course explores the theory underlying selection and use of education technology and pedagogy to engage individuals, families, organizations and communities in health promotion and wellness strategies. 

PSYCH 2303: Positive Psychology (3 hours)

This course is an introduction to the field of positive psychology. Topics include positive affect, subjective well-being, optimism, psychological strengths, emotional intelligence, compassion, humor, and spirituality.


Students exit the junior year with the requisite knowledge and skills to promote health to individuals and families in a variety of settings. Specifically, students are expected to be able to:
• Enact the roles and accept responsibilities of professionals, including beginning to collaborate with others.
• Take responsibility and accountability for one’s own actions as a student and a future professional.
• Use professional values and value-based behaviors that are important in health promotion.
• Promote disease prevention, health promotion and restoration across the lifespan.
• Incorporate concepts of cultural diversity in health promotion.
• Apply behavior-change theories and concepts.
• Use information and health care technology to plan and promote health.
• Use innovation concepts to support a healthy work environment.



HW 4300.01: Practicum I (5 hours)
This course is an experiential practicum course that applies health promotion in a variety of settings. 

HW 4300.02: Practicum II (5 hours)
This course is an experiential practicum course that applies health promotion in a variety of settings.

SOCIOL 4629: Health Disparities in Social Context (3 hours)

This course analyzes the social determinants of health and health disparities with a focus on stratification of inequality. Includes variations in health disparities over the life course.


Students need to meet 120 credit hours total for the degree conferral.